Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Politically Correct Ten Commandments

1. The state is supreme. The state determines what is moral. There is no absolute truth. Truth is what Holywood and the media portray.

2. The state guarantees your livelihood and happiness. It is the redeemer of your past and the savior of your present from any and all calamities. You shall not rely on other gods but the state.

3. You shall keep the name of God, even God, out of the state. State officials shall not say His name, nor shall you print His name on any public document, or mention His name on any property belonging to the state.

4. There is no supernatural. The material world is the only reality. You shall teach Darwin's evolutionary theory forever and ever. Whosoever challenges Darwin is a blasphemer.

5. God and religion are the source of all evil in society. You shall not tolerate those who practice their faith in public. You shall forget your Christian heritage.

6. Womens' freedoms come from the state. You shall not pass any law that challenges a woman's right to an abortion in any shape or form.

7. The state gives you freedom and happiness. The state issues marriage licenses. Therefore, you shall allow equal access to marriage to all persons without regard to their gender. Nor shall you restrict the number in a marriage to two.

8. The state is the savior of mankind. You shall gladly surrender your property for the development of your community. You shall gladly support social programs that transfer wealth from those who have to those who have not.

9. Those who speak against political correctness are intolerant and bigoted. Lying, defamation, and slander of those who oppose political correctness shall be speech protected by the state. You shall destroy anyone in politics who does not adhere to political correctness. The end of preserving political correctness shall justify any means of doing so.

10. The state shall be your protection from a guilty conscience imposed by religious morality. The state shall guarantee your privacy. The state shall guarantee that pornography and perversion shall be protected speech forever.

Posting of these commandments in public will be protected from any lawsuit from the ACLU or People for the American Way.

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Folly in the Highest Places

A majority of Justices in the Supreme Court have assigned themselves the
role of arbiter against religion or non-religion. What folly! They can't
even observe the Law of non-contradiction, a fundamental law of logic. And
they serve in the highest court of the land!

God help us!

Let Justice Be Served on the Justice

This report from

"A private developer contacted the local government in Supreme Court
Justice David Souter's hometown in New Hampshire yesterday asking that the
property of the judge – who voted in favor of a controversial decision
allowing a city to take residents' homes for private development – be
seized to make room for a new hotel.

Logan Darrow Clements faxed a request to Chip Meany, the code enforcement
officer of the town of Weare, N.H., seeking to start the application
process to build a hotel on 34 Cilley Hill Road, the present location of
Souter's home.

Wrote Clements: "Although this property is owned by an individual, David H.
Souter, a recent Supreme Court decision, Kelo v. City of New London, clears
the way for this land to be taken by the government of Weare through
eminent domain and given to my LLC for the purposes of building a hotel.
The justification for such an eminent domain action is that our hotel will
better serve the public interest as it will bring in economic development
and higher tax revenue to Weare."

The Hotel will be named "Lost Liberty Hotel."

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Thought Police Against Religion

The Supreme Court affirmed that the Ten Commandments display in Texas could
stand while the Ten Commandments displays in Kentucky were
unconstitutional. The deciding vote in either case was based on the
Courts' determination of the intent of those who put up the respective
displays, whether it was for a religious purpose or a nonreligious purpose.
The Court now claims jurisdiction over the minds and hearts of the
citizens, claiming to be the judge of their innermost religious attitudes.
Thus, the Supreme Court indeed behaves as the god of this age, the idol of
secularism, the thought police against religion.

Friday, June 24, 2005

The Day America Lost Her Birthright

When the Supreme Court outlawed prayer from public schools, it took the side of atheists and effectively established Pluralism as the official "religion" of the state. What has followed from that decision has been the massive erosion of religious liberty. Secular fundamentalists and the ACLU have hounded Christians and dragged them into court for such simple reasons as a teacher wearing a cross to a public school or a student reading a bible during recess in public schools. They have sought to eradicate the Ten Commandments from public display and to remove all references to God in public places and have sought to prevent public officials from uttering God and the Lord Jesus in public prayer. I doubt that any of those Justices had any idea of the consequences of that fateful decision in 1963.

Now, the myopic Supreme Court in Kelo vs New London has unwittingly handed yet another weapon to the secularists to use against the Church. This weapon is that of eminent domain. The Supreme Court ruled this week that city governments can force property holders to sell against their will if the city government wants their land for development. The property will be awarded (sold) to another private owner favored by the city government.

Churches, because of their tax exempt status, will be particular targets for eminent domain from cash-starved city governments. Churches will be at risk if they speak out boldly against, for example, casino gambling initiatives of city governments, or rallying to enforce zoning against pornography outlets in the city. The secularist city mayor will have the weapon of eminent domain to club Churches into silence. The Supreme Court has broken the dam and has unleashed the threat of bureaucratic tyrrany like a flood against private citizens and Churches, all in the name of economic development. America has become just one big real estate for economic development rather than the land of the free and home of the brave.

Like Esau who sold his birthright for a mesh of pottage, the Supreme Court has sold the sacredness of the right of America to own private property in exchange for real estate development. The spirit of Jezzebel who enabled the taking of Naboth's vineyard lives in the Supreme Court today. But all of this is meaningless to a Court which has rejected the Word of God as the foundation of law. Kelo vs New London is but a consequence of that rejection.

June 23, 2005: Another millstone (sic) in the history of America.

UPDATE: Use your remaining rights before the courts take them away too: The Castle Coalition

Some Exciting Possibilities for Eminent Domain

Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has placed economic development above the
right to private property, let us examine some possible brave new
initiatives that city governments could undertake:

"That Baptist Church in that corner lot is a blight on the community. Its
members are fundamentalist Christians who are divisive. We've been trying to get a Casino into the city, but they have opposed it. The community is
better served if that corner lot is developed into a new shopping center.
Let the city council vote to move that Church out of there. Besides, they're not paying any taxes."

"The City Council has received complaints regarding this person's yard.
Everybody else in his neighborhood hires a contractor but he does his own
yard and sometimes, he just does not keep up to the standard. Let the city
council vote to have a better resident occupy that property so it will look

All for the "common good".

Supreme Court Caves In To Socialism

In a bizarre and tight 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court decided against the
right of private property in favor of the right of city governments to
seize it for development. If a city government decides that a certain
property site is better for the public if a business or any other private
entity owned that site, the city could force the owner to sell his property
against his will. The Associated Press reports that " Seven homeowners in
New London, Connecticut lost a groundbreaking U.S. Supreme Court decision
Thursday when justices ruled that City Hall may take their property through
eminent domain to make way for a hotel and convention center."

The right to private property is no longer sacred. Thanks to the brilliant
justices of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Casting Pearls Among Swine

Senator Dick Durbin made some insipid remarks about being sorry if his comments on comparing Guantanamo detention center to Nazi death camps
were misinterpreted. The soft-hearted Republican Senators like John McCain
quickly dubbed this as an apology, and counted Durbin's self-serving
remarks as apology even if Durbin's remarks were not properly so.

The Republican Senators need to learn a lesson about casting their pearls among swine. These elitist Democrats are going to trample any goodwill by the
Republicans and will turn and attack them. Already, the elitist Democrats
are calling for an independent Senate investigation into Guantanamo. They
think that this issue is more important than the war against the

Senator McCain must have forgotten what it was like to be a prisoner of the Vietcong and his stay in the infamous "Hanoi Hilton" to make such a light matter of Durbin's aspersion on the U.S. Military at Guantanamo.

Thanks to Senator McCain, the Democrats have again successfully used the
filibuster against the nomination of John Bolton as ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton is a man who is wise to the institutionalized anti-Americanism in the United Nations and would serve the nation well. The Democrats are obstructing the appointment of John Bolton because John Bolton's patriotism will prove to be a major obstacle to the internationalist agenda of the elites. Senator McCain's appeasement of the Democrats prevented the Senate from exercising the constitutional option and doing away with the use of the filibuster against Presidential appointees. McCain, DeWine, and other Republican senators' pearls were wasted among swine.

Or maybe not, since Senator McCain may think he has scored political points with Democratic voters as he lays the groundwork for his presidential ambitions.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Democrats Silent About Durbin's Verbal Attack on Military

Not a single Democratic Party senator spoke out against Dick Durbin,
Senator from Illinois' comparison of the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba detention
facility to the Soviet Gulag and Nazi Germany Concentration Camps. They
are either too cowardly to offend their party or too stupid to let such an
idiotic comparison pass without comment. They would rather let the U.S.
Military be slandered than offend Amnesty International. These senators
are contemptible.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

The Obfuscation of Issues

One favorite tactic of Leftist activists is to cry out that their first ammendment rights are being threathened, that they are being silenced, that they are being suppressed, whenever anyone dares to argue against them, or point out the stupidity of their arguments, or point out principles that contradict them.

They are like spoiled cry babies who can't stand being told something, or who can't stand it when their will cannot be imposed on the world.

Thus, when Christians refuse to buy from businesses that support the gay rights agenda, they cry out "suppression!" When academic professors are challenged for their comments against the war in Iraq, they cry out "academic freedom is being suppressed!" or "patriotism is being questioned!"

They shift the focus of the argument from the issues to the "violation of their rights." Obfuscation covers up lack of substance.

Friday, June 17, 2005

The Stuff Democrats Are Made Of

David Gelernter has written an excellent piece in the Los Angeles Times about the importance of knowing history. He called Democrat Dick Durbin's comparison of the Guantanamo Bay detention center to Stalin's gulag and to the death camps of Hitler and Pol Pot "an astonishing, obscene piece of ignorance".

Durbin, the No. 2 ranking Democrat in the Senate, is not only ignorant. He is irresponsible. This is the stuff of which the Leftist Democrats are made of.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Historical Revisionism in Reverse

The current rhetoric by the Democratic Party and the Left comparing the
U.S. Military and George Bush to the regimes of the Nazis and Joseph
Stalin, and dictators, is really historical revisionism in reverse. It has
the effect of making those murderous regimes of communism and fascism
appear gentler and kinder. To a generation who have not experienced those
regimes, they must think those ruthless murderers weren't so bad after all,
if they were anything like the present U.S. Military and administration.

The Democratic Party is a demagogue of the first order.

Psychological Projection

The secular fundamentalists condemn Christians when they express their
faith, as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. When Christians express
their first amendment rights and speak out against immorality, injustice,
or stupidity, or refuse to support certain businesses that have become
pawns of the Left, the secular fundamentalists claim that Christians are
seeking to establish a theocracy or oligarchy, the rule of a religious
party. This is nothing but classic psychological projection, when one
assigns to other persons the hidden motives or wishes that one craves to be
fulfilled in oneself. The secular fundamentalists crave a society free
from God and any influence of God, and so they project their hidden craving
to their opponents, calling them theocrats.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The Essence of the Culture War

Secular fundamentalists are sensitive to suppress even the slightest hint about God. The phrase “One Nation Under God” is to be suppressed. The cross is to be suppressed from State seals and emblems. The Bible is to be suppressed in public schools. Prayer is outlawed. The cross is not to be worn even as an ornament by public employees. Any discussion of “intelligent design” is suppressed. History is to be rewritten to remove the memory of God from the culture. Public displays during Christmas are to be suppressed. Even the word Christmas is to be suppressed. The initials B.C. and A.D. to count the years before Christ and the years after Christ (Anno Domini) are to be replaced with secular versions. These are just some examples of the secular fundamentalists’ active campaign to suppress God.

The essence of the culture war is the suppression of God, but especially the suppression of Christianity.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Secular Fundamentalism

The issue of the "Separation of Church and State" has become much more than a Constitutional issue. The secularist thinkers and their activist judge advocates have turned the "Separation of Church and State" into an ideological weapon of secular fundamentalism.

They have embraced the seductive concept of a state free from God, a state that is autonomous and absolutely free from the influence of any theistic belief. The autonomous state free from God and God's moral law can legislate what it considers moral or immoral based solely upon the judge's personal decree.

Thus the state has arrogated unto itself the prerogatives of God. Issues of life and sexuality, for example, moral issues properly settled by reference to God's decrees are now to be decided by judges whose consciences are seared and kept from referring to God's laws under the "separation" watchdog. There is no moral authority above the state.

The inescapable conclusion is this: The state has become the god of secular fundamentalism.

Laura Ingraham in her book, “Shut Up and Sing” lists the catechism of the secular fundamentalists in the chapter, “God, You’re Fired.” The following are the basic teachings of secular fundamentalism:
  1. Belief in God is irrational.
  2. Because it is irrational, religion is in opposition to science, learning, and progress.
  3. Religious people are judgmental and unforgiving.
  4. Religion is opposed not only to learning, but to liberty.
  5. Religion damages people and it damages societies.
  6. Religious people are suspect generally, not just in their religious beliefs.
Just who are the secular fundamentalists? Here is a partial list:
  1. Barry Lynn (who likes to adopt the title of Reverend) – His organization is called Americans United for the Separation of Church and State
  2. Michael Newdow (He continually sues for declaring the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional)
  3. ACLU, American Atheists
  4. Washington Post, New York Time Times, and elite newspapers
  5. Peter Jennings, Ted Turner, Bill Maher, and media elite
  6. Time, Newsweek, and elite magazines
  7. Most professors of Harvard, Princeton, and Ivy League Universities
At its root, the culture war is about secular fundamentalists vs. Christianity.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Rock Star Acquitted

A jury has acquitted a forty-five year old man who has admitted that he enjoys sleeping with young boys from charges of child molestation. Michael Jackson is idolized by many.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Losing Their Grip

I find it highly ironic that just when President Bush's appointee, Janice
Rogers Brown, a sharecropper's daughter who became the first black woman
justice on California's Supreme Court, finally gets confirmed by the U.S.
Senate, the chairman of the Democratic Party, Howard Dean, says: "The
Republicans are not very friendly to different kinds of people. They're a
pretty monolithic party. They all behave the same and they all look the
same. It's pretty much a white, Christian party." I find it also ironic
that only one Democrat voted to confirm Janice Rogers Brown.

The Democratic Party imagine themselves to have a lock on black voters.
Howard Dean's invective is an indication that they are afraid that they may be
losing their grip.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Can An Atheist Be A Good President?

CNN's Larry King once in a while features faith and religion in his show. I have seen a few of them and I noticed that Larry King is bent towards an atheistic philosophy. He once asked his guest if an atheist can make a good president. His guest answered vaguely something about social norms but failed to mention the following:

These heads of state were all atheists: Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Adolf Hitler.

Atheist "morality" is merely sociological pragmatism. It seeks the norm of society or the herd. There is no absolute basis or foundation for an atheist. An atheistic society is at the mercy of the winds of change. What is honored today will be vilified tomorrow.

This is what the secularist liberal elites want to impose on us. They want to turn the U.S. into an atheistic society. They appear to be succeeding.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

How To Get Away With Murder

The Associated Press reports that in Lufkin, Texas, "a man faces a life prison sentence for causing his teenage girlfriend to miscarry". (Through The Alliance Defense Fund)

The report stated that the man stepped on her girlfriend's abdomen while she pummeled her belly killing the twins inside her. The man is under conviction for murder while the woman is protected by abortion laws.

Here's how he could have avoided the murder charge:

The woman wanted an abortion. Her boyfriend should have put on a surgeon's cap, latex gloves, and a scrub suit. Then he should have dressed her girlfriend in a hospital gown. They should have done what they did dressed this way. After successfuly killing her twins, all he could have been accused of would have been practicing medicine without a license, instead of murder.

Infanticide in the Fruited Plain

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday, June 3 struck down
Virginia's partial birth abortion law, making the gruesome procedure legal.

Meanwhile, McCain and the moderate Republicans play footsie with the
Democrats who are ultimately responsible for appointing these judges who
systematically tear down the moral foundation of America.

Meanwhile, some church leaders and pastors want the flock to keep silent
and behave and not speak out against the judges because that would be
subverting the duly constituted authority.

Infanticide is legal!

Remember America as the founding fathers saw it, for we may not see
anything like her again in the world. It is indeed dark in the Fruited

Monday, June 06, 2005

Life On Other Planets

Frank Sherwin of the Institute For Creation Research discusses an interesting question on whether there is life on other planets in his article:
"Star Wars – Are There Civilizations Far, Far Away?"

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Amnesty International for Saddam Hussein

Saddam Hussein's trial is coming up, when the Iraqui dictator's crimes against humanity will be reviewed for all the world to see. The chemical weapons, the rape rooms, the torture chambers and mass graves will be brought up as evidence.

In order to soften the blow, Amnesty International has gone out on a limb and has launched a campaign of moral equivalence by calling the U.S. prisoner camp in Guntanamo Bay, Cuba, as the equivalent of the Soviet Gulag.

Amnesty International is unrelenting in its rhetoric because it wants to diminish U.S. political influence in the Middle East with the coming trial of the deposed Iraqui dictator.

Faith Matters

When we talk of faith, we usually think of religion. However, we are exercising faith all the time. The builders of great structures such as scyscrapers, bridges, and dams are exercising great faith in the design of the Civil Engineer. The investor in stocks and bonds is placing faith in the economy so that five or ten years from now, he will get a return. So is the creditor extending credit to thousands of credit card holders exercising faith that he will get his money back with interest. These examples and more show that faith is a necessity in human existence.

Why is God pleased when men believe that He exists and is a rewarder of those who seek Him, as is mentioned in the Book of Hebrews? Is God in a popularity contest, and is hungry for adulation? God does not need anything. He is not lessened when men do not believe in Him. He is pleased by faith because when we put faith in God, we are placing ourselves in a right relationship with Him. He is Creator and we are creatures. He is infinite and we are finite. When we choose to believe God, we are acknowledging our own limitations, and God's omnipotence. We are conforming to reality, to the way things ought to be instead of trying to enforce our own wishful thinking upon the universe.

We are going to exercise faith anyway since faith is a necessity, so why not make good use of your faith and trust in God? Read the Bible.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

The U.S. Cold Civil War

In her book, "Shut Up and Sing," radio talk show host Laura Ingraham devotes a chapter to analyzing how the present situation has come about where the elites in the media, the universities, the business world, and the entertainment world are bashing the conservative values held by ordinary Americans and undermining the liberal democratic traditions of the country that are founded in the Constitution. In the chapter called "When It All Started to Go South," Ingraham describes this cultural and political struggle between liberals and conservatives and suggests its historical roots. Ingraham writes:
"To elites, the South, like the Midwest or anywhere in Middle America, is as distant as the moon. William Faulkner captured this attitude perfectly in Absalom, Absalom!(which was published in 1936 but is set mostly in the nineteenth century), when Canadian Shreve McCannon quizzes his Mississipian roommate about Southern life. 'Tell about the South. What's it like there,' he asks. 'What do they do there. Why do they live there. Why do they live at all.' As I said, this stereotyping of the South goes back a long way."
Ms. Ingraham suggests that this antagonism between the left and the right goes back to the Civil War. That insight seems plausible. Having won the Civil War, it appears that the North has evolved into a cultural elite which has assumed its own superiority over the South and attempts to lord it over the values espoused in the South, values which include the deeply held moral and religious values which ordinary Americans hold to today.

This self-proclaimed superiority typical of elites was seen in the last elections after elite candidate John Kerry lost to George W. Bush. The "blue" state spokesmen boasted of the economic wealth of the cities and lamented the fact that the "backward" "red" states had so much influence in the elections. The U.S. Civil War essentially congealed into a cold war between the liberal elite and religious conservatives. This is a mirror of the conflicts in international relations where the liberal elite continues to align itself with Marxists-Leninists, and lately, with Islamofascists.

Friday, June 03, 2005

The Power of the Resurrection

When Adam disobeyed the one command of the Creator, he broke the unity of
God's law just like we would break a delicate piece of China. This set off
a chain reaction in the physical universe so that everything works towards
one end - disorder, death and decay. God's laws, both physical and moral,
are still in effect, and they continue to function, and the world and
mankind continues to be incapable of observing them, and each man and woman lives in violation of some aspect of God's law. It is impossible for any man to observe the unity of God's law by keeping it in its entirety. Thus, there is disorder, death, and decay in the universe.

Only one person has been able to keep the entirety of the Law of God, As a result, He has been preserved from death and decay. This is Jesus Christ who is both human and divine. For Him, the laws of the universe do not work out towards disorder, death and decay. They work out towards the opposite, towards life. The power of the resurrection is at work in the universe today. It extends across space and time. Its effect is so powerful that the resurrection reached back across time and preserved Adam and Eve from instant death when the Creator proclaimed, "On the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die." It reaches into the future and affects every generation of humanity. The power of the resurrection keeps the universe from falling apart today.

By faith, a descendant of Adam who accepts Jesus Christ becomes Son of God like Jesus Christ. The power of the resurrection is extended to him or
her. Things work out for good, for life, instead of death and decay for
the believer. Sure the believer is going to die, but only because in God's
purpose, everything should happen according to His schedule and timetable,
and a general resurrection and judgement will take place under Jesus' feet. Meanwhile, everything works out for the good of the believer, "good" as defined by God, and not by secular humanism.

The believer's task is to live and act according to the redemptive power of the resurrection and to avoid behaviour that leads to courruption and decay.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Liberal Hatred Leaking Through

Neil Boortz (Thanks to Michelle Malkin) reports this appalling story of a public school principal who finds Marines too dangerous to admit one to a Middle School to address students prior to Memorial Day. Boortz writes:
"Is Ulrica Corbett saying that this U.S. Marine who had just spent a year putting his life on the line for his country presented some sort of a threat to the children at the Carson Middle School?"
The liberals, like the high school principal just mentioned, just have to push their anti-war agenda any way they can. Their hatred of America is leaking through their cover.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The Perils of Being A Christian

This is from "Voice of the Martyrs":

Pastor Hamid Pourmand, a former Iranian army colonel, was arrested when
security police raided a church conference of more than 80 church leaders
that he was attending. He became a Christian about 25 years ago. During his
military career, his superiors had acknowledged that he was a Christian and
he had even been excused from observing the Muslim month of fasting.
However, it is illegal for a non-Muslim to serve as a military officer; and
on February 17, 2005, a Tehran military court sentenced Hamid to three
years in jail and ordered his transfer to Evin Prison. Found guilty on
charges of deceiving the Iranian armed forces, his sentence automatically
discharges him from the army, cuts off his regular income, and eliminates
his military pension. His wife and two teenage children were forced to
leave their military housing.

In addition, he was charged with apostasy from Islam and proselytizing
Muslims to Christianity. Both charges are punishable by death. Because news
of his appearance before an Islamic Shariah court in Tehran leaked out to
the international press he was taken by armored car to Bandar-i Bushehr to
stand trail. On May 28th an Islamic judge acquitted pastor Pourmand of
these charges. According to Compass Direct, the judge reportedly stated “I
don’t know who you are, but the rest-of-the-world does,” a clear reference
to the international attention that this case has attracted.

Propping Up A Tottering Media

It is interesting that the identity of the government informant who exposed
the Watergate scandal of the Nixon administration is only now being
revealed. It is happening at a time when the Main Stream Media, in
particular the Newsweek organization, is undergoing a crisis in credibility
owing to its misuse of sources which implicated the U.S. government in
alleged willful desecration of the Koran by stuffing pages of the book in
the toilet. This falsehood, reported as fact by Newsweek is reported as
having caused rioting and deaths abroad. Newsweek later retracted the

In revealing the identity of the informant known as "Deep Throat" at this
time, is the main stream media trying to remind the public of its past
accomplishments, and trying to shore up its crumbling credibility? I think

Movie Version of Novels

I have finished reading The Count of Monte Cristo and have seen two movie
versions of it. It is not simply that the novel is always better than the
movie. It is illuminating to see what "spins" and "distortions" movie
producers make in the name of artistic license. What they do to a novel,
movie producers often do to history.