Sunday, October 31, 2004

Osama closes ranks with Liberals

In the recent video released by Islamic terrorist head Osama Bin Ladin, we saw him talk about George Bush "misleading the American people since 9/11." We also saw Bin Ladin talk about the "corrupt " American economy and the role played by Haliburton. This sounds eerily like the Democratic Party line. It is apparent that Bin Ladin is attempting to form an ideological alliance with the liberals. The liberals have considered George Bush as their enemy, having demonstrated this with their hate filled rhetoric against the President. We also heard Osama Bin Ladin issuing a perverted kind of apology for the collapse of the twin towers, implying in his wickedness that future attacks would not be as severe, trying to play the emotions of weak-willed liberals into appeasement. For Osama Bin Ladin, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". George Bush is Bin Ladin's enemy. George Bush is the Democratic Party's enemy. The Democratic Party is Osama Bin Ladin's friend.