Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Impressions at Ground Zero

On Memorial Day, I was at New York City. I went to see Ground Zero with my
family. It stirred up in me a most profound reverence and solemn anger;
anger at the callous murderers who did this and the ideology that drove
them to it, the ideology that is the motivating force behind terrorism in
the world today, an ideology cloaked with religion.

Update: Take Back The Memorial

Monday, May 30, 2005

Cross at Ground Zero

Memorial Day.

(c) The Culture Warrior 2005

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Sob Story on the Senate Floor

Senator George Voinovich of Ohio gave a speech last night against the nomination of John Bolton as ambassador to the U.N.

He admonished his fellow senators to vote against John Bolton because Voinovich was afraid for his grandchildren’s future. In the Senator’s tortuous reasoning, the U.N. Ambassador today will have an adverse effect on the future of his grandchildren. He punctuated his speech by choking on his words and sobbing. I was listening on the radio so I don’t know if there were tears in his eyes as he said this.

This kind of illogical reasoning and emotional appeal sounds too much like a Democrat. I hesitate to label the Senator as crazy.

Rather, Voinovich’s behavior reminds me of King David as he sought to escape from King Saul who was out to kill him by escaping to the Philistine camp and feigning madness so that he would be granted asylum by the Philistines. The Senator from Ohio is fighting for his political life. He knows that he has fallen out of favor with the Republican Party because of his unprincipled opposition to John Bolton, and is seeking asylum among Democrats.

5/27 UPDATE: It could also be just a naked and shameless power play for votes by the Ohio Senator.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Unprincipled Peace

Around a dozen Senators from both parties, which includes John McCain of AZ and Mike DeWine of OH have congratulated themselves on preserving the Senate rules on Filibuster and getting some conservative judge appointees through for an up-or-down vote, while sacrificing other conservative judge appointees, and in exchange for a Democratic promise to use the Filibuster only on "extraordinary" circumstances.

The nation's culture is being torn apart at the seams, centuries of morality being overturned by activist judges, and all these "Centrist" Republican senators can think about is preserving their parliamentary rules. They barter away judges and squander the President's influence for the sake of unprincipled peace with the Democrats.

The Senate is on the road to becoming an impotent institution.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The Subversive Media

In its February 2, 2005 edition, Newsweek Magazine featured on its cover a picture of the American flag in the trashcan. This was featured in its Japanese edition. Newsweek Magazine did not have the courage to publish the same photo in its U.S. edition. That could be deliberate. While featuring Hollywood celebrities on its cover in the U.S. edition, it undermines America abroad in its foreign eddition. Nevertheless, some Hollywood celebrities undermine America anyway.

Newsweek Magazine belongs in the trashcan.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

The Inescapable Reality

Skeptic: If there is a God, why is there so much pain in the world?
Philosopher: If there is no God, why are you even asking that question?

Universal Pain, Universal Agony

The first man and woman in the universe were not content with their circumstances and Divine appointments: a perfect universe, cosmic unity and continuity between spirit and matter, intimacy with the Creator, perfect intimacy between male and female, perfect harmony with the environment, and meaningful role and purpose in the world.

They broke one command, a command by which the Creator wished to express His sovereignty over everything including man and woman. The unity of God's law meant that the unity and harmony of the universe was disrupted with the breaking of one command, like the breaking of a delicate piece of China.

The consequences have been the lot of all mankind forever: Shame and Hypocrisy, The fultility of man's labor, a rebellious natural environment, difficulty and pain in childbearing, rebellious progeny, turmoil between man and woman, with woman tending to usurp authority, and man dominating woman, and finally, death and futility.

This is the experience of all mankind on a personal as well as on a social scale. No culture is exempt. No time period in history is untouched. It happens every day of the week, including Sundays and Holidays, sometimes especially on Sundays and Holidays, 24 hours a day. No faith is exempt. It happens to Catholics and Evangelicals, Muslims and Atheists, Liberal and Conservative, etc. etc.

To the extent that these consequences are alleviated, it is the blessing of God.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Star Wars Goes Political

George Lucas couldn't resist the temptation to do a Michael Moore. He now compares his Star Wars saga to the war on Iraq: Lucas on Iraq

No more fence-sitting allowed. The desperate Leftwing has launched a campaign to use the movie, Revenge of the Sith, to campaign against the elimination of the Senate filibuster of judicial nominees as "saving the Republic" of the United States. Star Wars has become a pawn in The Culture War.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Propping Up Darwinism

One of the greatest hoaxes in history was the Hoax of the Piltdown Man, the so-called missing link between humans and apes. The details of the hoax are here: Piltdown Man: Britain's Greatest Hoax. This was done to prop up Darwinism.

It sure takes a lot of "blind" faith to believe in Darwinism.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Newsweek Should Be Flushed

Eager to publish any negative news against the U.S. Military and the war in Iraq, Newsweek Magazine published a "news" article by Michael Isikoff on May 9 stating that U.S. military in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba had flushed a copy of the Koran down the toilet. This rumor was found to be untrue, and Newsweek admitted it, but has refused to retract* the story. Meanwhile, the Newsweek article has already angered Moslems, and in Afghanistan and Pakistan, over a dozen people were killed and hundreds were injured in rioting over the Newsweek article. There is no telling at the number of people who will continue to be killed over the inflammation that Newsweek has caused.

Newsweek should be flushed down the toilet.

* Newsweek later retracted. Story.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

The Moral Origins of Clothing

The failure of Adam and Eve to observe God’s law enabled evil to work in the creation. Its immediate consequence was personal and struck at the heart of man's and woman’s existence - their sexuality. Evil broke down the unity of man and God and the unity between man and woman and the unity between man and nature. They became ashamed of their nakedness and tried to hide from God and covered themselves with fig leaves.

The shame that they felt at the breaking of God’s commandment shows that man cannot live without God’s law. God’s law was covering them from shame as long as they conformed to it. As soon as they broke it, they felt ashamed.

God had to step in and provide a temporary solution. That solution consisted of providing them with clothing from animal skin. Needless to say, the animals had to be slain to provide covering for man. Clothing sets apart man from beast. It’s a constant reminder of man’s need for the covering of God’s law and that man is a special creation apart from the beast.

As the order in nature broke down after evil was enabled, clothing came to serve a utilitarian purpose also, and man needed clothing to preserve his existence against a hostile environment. However, the original purpose of clothing was moral, not utilitarian. It continues to serve as a covering for shame.

The permanent solution for the covering for shame before God comes with Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

It's Alive!

The liberals refer to the Constitution as a "living, breathing" document. I would like to add that it is also clothed in black robes.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Enable Evil, Enter Shame

Breaking God's Law has consequences. Its immediate effect on Adam and Eve was a breakdown of their unity. Before breaking the Law, Adam saw Eve as "bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh." Immediately after breaking the Law, they saw each other as being naked. Their perfect unity was broken, and they began to see their sexual differences in isolation. Before breaking the Law, their sexual differences were understood for their ultimate meaning and purpose, in perfect harmony with the Universe and they felt no shame. After breaking the law, they enabled evil, which allowed them to conceive evil of each other's bodies and felt shame. Shame is a symptom of the knowledge of evil.

The Unity of Law

Everything that God created was good, including man and woman. Evil wasn't inherent in the creation. However, Law is inherent in creation. The creation is governed by natural law, and man is governed by moral laws. This is how God chose to manifest His rule over His creation: by Law. Law established the order and purpose of the Universe. The breaking of Law is the repudiation of the order and purpose established by Law. When Adam and Eve sinned by their disobedience, they broke the law and enabled evil. The evil principle germinated with their disobedience and began to grow and multiply in the Universe. Like a virus that infects a computer's operating system, the knowledge of evil spread in the human race until it brought about death. God's law is one. There is a continuity between moral laws and natural laws. When Adam and Eve broke the moral law, the unity of God's laws was broken, and nature was thrown into disorder as well.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Evolutionists Don't Show Up At Hearings

The Kansas school board is hearing arguments this week regarding the teaching of Evolution in public schools. The school board is entertaining arguments questioning the validity of Evolutionary Theory. Afraid that their sacred cow will be desecrated, the champions of Darwin didn't show up at the hearings.

The link to the story is here: Hearings on Evolution

Thursday, May 05, 2005

The “Best” of Liberalism on Campus

The academe is supposed to be the epitome of intellectual freedom and a showcase of the best of minds and of good discourse. Instead, a number of campus incidents involving conservative speakers such as Ann Coulter and the reaction of students opposed to them have shown further the moribund character of liberalism. Students identified with the Left have resorted to heckling, throwing pies at the speakers, and hurling curses and obscenities. Anne Coulter states of liberal students, referring to an incident at the University of Texas in Austin where a student was arrested for disorderly conduct during the open forum,
“They don't know how to argue. They can't put together a logical thought, whereas you could put a college Republican on TV right now and he can debate you...”
More on Anne Coulter’s remarks during a TV interview can be found on this site: Interview with Anne Coulter

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Dichotomy of Faith and Politics

Some Christians hold to a conservative faith in private, yet they hold to a secularist liberal political philosophy. They hold a dichotomy, believing that religious faith has no place in public morality. Their favorite verse is "Judge not lest you be judged."

I couldn't live with such a dichotomy. Faith should unify my world view, taking all the diverse issues of life to produce meaning. There is another verse which says, "Why don't you judge for yourselves what is right?" (Luke 12:57)

Christians should use their minds to the fullest and not yield part of it to the secularist atheistic political philosophy.

Law is the Codification of Culture

Law is the expression of who we are as a nation. Law defines a nation. That is why there is such a battle over the Judges who will interpret the Law, rather who are supposed to interpret the Law. The conservatives want to preserve the heritage of America, its religious foundation and morality. The secularist liberals want to redefine the nation. They want to uproot America from its religious roots, and weed God out of the culture. Thus, they will keep conservative judges from being nominated.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Dhimmitude - Learn What it Means

In today's culture war, there is one crucial historical and cultural concept we must not fail to understand. Read all about it at this link: Dhimmitude

Darwinism Bites The Dust

An interesting article by Ray Bohlin: The Impotence of Darwinism

Bohlin's conclusions:
"Since evolution has become the cornerstone of the dominant worldview of our time—scientific naturalism—those who hold to it would be expected to take notice when somebody says it’s wrong! A growing number of scientists and philosophers are saying with greater confidence that Darwinism, as a mode of explaining all of life, is failing and failing badly."

Monday, May 02, 2005

Revising History through Film

Nowadays, I am wary of movies with a historical theme or historical background. Oliver Stone came out with a movie about Alexander the Great that attempted to portray Alexander as a homosexual.

Some fictional work set in the 1800’s or early American historical periods attempts to “write back” into history the cultural depravity of today. I once saw a film about serial murder and gross immorality with a feminist main character. It was set in the 1600’s and the protagonists were Puritans.

Another film with an attempt at revising the history of The Crusades is “Kingdom of Heaven” directed by Ridley Scott. The following link discusses its historical distortions: Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven: Propaganda Film?

Dan Brown’s book, “The DaVinci Code” is being made into a movie with its blasphemous portrayal of Jesus Christ.

With the current allegations of the homosexuals that Abraham Lincoln was gay, it wouldn’t be far fetched to surmise that some Hollywood filmmaker is busy at work with another such historical revisionist movie touching on the life of Abraham Lincoln.