Sunday, October 26, 2008

Obama, Ayers, Wright and Liberation Theology

The New Testament mandates the Church with preaching the gospel and caring for the poor. Thus, some of the greatest institutions for charitable work such as The Salvation Army, World Vision, orphanages, and hospitals, are fruits of obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ. State government’s role is to “bear the sword” and execute justice. The separate roles of church and state are recognized in the Constitution of the United States. However, the trend towards federal government taking over more and more the traditional roles of the Church is evident.

When Rick Warren of the Saddleback Church asked candidate Barack Obama what he thought the greatest moral failure of America was, Obama cited Scripture and replied that he thought the neglect of the poor was America’s greatest failure. When Bill O’Reiley confronted Obama with the unfairness of taxing the rich to distribute to “the poor”, Obama replied that this was necessary to help those less privileged. Then, when Joe the Plumber asked Obama in Toledo, OH why he should pay higher taxes under Obama’s plan, Obama candidly replied that it was necessary to “spread the wealth.”

Behind this compulsion of Obama to assign to the federal government the task of giving an advantage to the poor is the “liberation theology” which he absorbed from years of membership in the church of Jeremiah Wright. “Liberation theology” is a set of beliefs that takes Christ and the gospels and combines it with Marxist economic-political theories to form a “social gospel” that relies on political means to achieve economic emancipation for the poor and the oppressed. It sees poverty as the root of all evil and the establishment of an earthly utopia as salvation. Obama, Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, all share the same goal of social emancipation of the oppressed masses through political means, and they are quite open about it. William Ayers justifies violent struggle against the government, and Jeremiah Wright openly condemns America from the pulpit, invoking damnation on her.

Thus, under an Obama presidency, we would expect to see more of the implications of “liberation theology.” The government will push the true Christian church further and further into the sidelines in its bid to become the savior of mankind. The government will favor more the “oppressed minorities" of all kinds, such as the poor, racial minorities, homosexuals, women denied of their “reproductive freedoms” (who’s keeping them from having sex?), and any minority interest group, against the people who, according to Obama, "cling to their guns and religion" in times of hardship. Any dissent will be stifled and labeled as racist and considered “hate speech.” The government will attempt to pass the "fairness doctrine" to silence talk radio, which has been dominated by conservative political commentators.

As the Church is marginalized and silenced by the government into conformity, we long for the coming of the righteous King, who will rule the nations with a rod of iron. We already have a taste of the fury of the Left against conservative values when they unremittingly slander Sarah Palin, John McCain’s running mate. How the Left despises her and what she stands for! They might succeed now in defeating John McCain and Sarah Palin in the elections, but what will they do when true Righteousness comes to rule?

"Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!"

Galatians 1:7-9

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Democrat Politics Wins Over Sound Economics

The stock market plunged around 3,000 points from September 8 to October 10. The entire U.S. economy suffered as a result of trouble in the financial sector. Big investment companies and insurance companies could no longer hide the fact that they had become insolvent as a result of bad investments when they purchased so-called Mortgage-backed securities promoted by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Fannie and Freddie, supported by Democrat senators and congressmen and an egalitarian vision of providing housing for all, ignored borrowers' ability to pay and pushed mortgages like commodities, counting on ever-increasing home values to cover up the lowered lending standards. These mortgages came to be known as sub-prime mortgages.

The investment bankers, intoxicated by the promise of "safe" investments with double-digit gains and insured by companies like AIG, snapped up the Securities backed up by sub-prime mortgages "betting the farm" on them. When property values would no longer increase, the demand for homes started to drop, and so did home prices and home equities. Many borrowers now owed more than their homes were worth, and started defaulting on their loans. Billions of dollars worth of Mortgage-backed securities, like a ticking time bomb embedded deep in the net worth of Merryl Lynch and Lehman Brothers, for example, "exploded," becoming illiquid as their value became suspect. This has set up a chain reaction throughout the world economy. The stock market plummeted, taking people's retirement accounts and hopes with it. The crisis has aroused anger, and the present administration wrongly became the target of people's ire.

It looks like the Democrat politics of promoting egalitarianism in housing, implemented through radical organizations like Acorn which forced banks to provide housing to low income people regardless of their ability to pay, has yielded political dividends to the Democrat Party beyond its wildest dreams. Not only has it caused the Democrats and Acorn to win more political power with low income people, but it has incited more hatred for the incumbent administration. The economic crisis has dragged down John McCain who was leading in the polls before the sub-prime mortgage mess metastasized, and has placed Barack Obama in a favorable position to win the presidency and implement more Democrat politics.

"Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly."

Leviticus 19:15

Michael Moore, An Ally of Islamic Terrorists?

Michael Moore, the producer and director of Fahreneit 9/11, a film released in 2004 which became a focal point for the opposition to the war in Iraq, became the "hero" of a satirical film, "An American Carol" which was released two weeks ago. Although "An American Carol" is funny in its satire, it has a deadly serious message: Islamic terrorists find in the American Left an ideological ally in their hatred of traditional American values, and the American Left may one day find itself a witting or unwitting accomplice of Islamic radicals involved in mass murder on U.S. soil.