Sunday, April 26, 2009

Secularists Proclaim Victory Against Christianity

For decades, the movement to uproot Christianity from America has been the life work of secular fundamentalists as represented by groups such as The American Civil Liberties Union, People For the American Way, Freedom From Religion Foundation, American Humanist Association, and many others. They are now proclaiming victory. They have succeeded not just in their avowed purpose of separating Church from State, but more effectively, in divorcing the state from God, and arrogating unto the state some prerogatives of God. They have stirred up hostility against the Church, and are in a position to inflict greater restrictions on the the practice of faith in America.

Barack Obama himself added his presidential voice to the atheistic cacophony against Christianity when he said in Turkey, on April 6, 2009, "We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation; we consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values." Those are the three major theistic religions of the world. Obama effectively proclaimed victory for secular humanism in America.

Dr. Jonathan Schaeffer, pastor of Grace CMA church writes an excellent commentary, "Christianity in America," (reprinted with permission):

Maybe you saw last week's issue of Newsweek, in which Editor Jon Meacham writes (somewhat cheerfully, it appears) the cover story: "The Decline and Fall of Christian America." The title has a doomsday feel, and is overly pessimistic. And, it's an unfortunate title as well. I would prefer to speak of the influence of Christianity in America rather than "Christian America" since our nation was not founded as a religious institution (though there are many underlying principles that are undeniably rooted in a Judeo-Christian heritage).

If you're in conversation with a friend or colleague on this subject of how Christianity has influenced America, it might be helpful to consider what a number of scholarly sociologists are saying.

Without any collusion, Rodney Stark from the University of Washington and Samuel P. Huntington from Harvard have both found that the animating features that have made the West great-modern science, medicine, democracy and its attending freedoms-were the products of irreducibly Christian thinking derived from central biblical traditions (see Kairos Journal, April 2009).

In his 2004 book, Who Are We?, Huntington, arguably the most respected political scientist of our time, writes that it is the Anglo-Protestant culture that arose from scriptural foundations that made the United States great. Attempts to undermine this tradition, he argues, are a misguided and dangerous social experiment which could unhinge the entire project.

In a similar manner, sociologist Rodney Stark tackles the secularist's argument that serious Christianity inhibits progress. Stark argues that this is pure myth, demonstrating with compelling historical detail that "science could only arise in a culture dominated by belief in a conscious, rational, all-powerful Creator" (see Stark's book, For the Glory of God). He states that only people who believed "slavery was an abomination in the eyes of God" were poised to defy the evil. "It was that conclusion," writes Stark, "and only that conclusion, that enabled the West to abolish slavery." The fear of God, in other words, means freedom for people.

You can read statistics in very different ways, and whatever the truth is about the state of Christianity in America, we can still rest assured that the unchanging promise of Jesus in Matthew 16:18 is true: "I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not overcome it."

Secular humanism is a loosing and parasitic ideology. It tries to live off the fruits of Christianity but denies it owes its values to its roots. By cutting itself off from its Christian roots, Secular humanism in America is doomed to a bankrupt future. The signs of decay are already obvious.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Obama Gives Nod to Prosecute Jack Bauer

Jack Bauer is the fictional character hero of the television series "24". The series "24" has been quite accurate in its depiction of the great political, military, and cultural conflict of our time, the War against Terrorism. This season, Jack is hounded by a Congressional Investigation into his methods of interrogation. Jack will use any means possible to get information from terror suspects. To him, the safety of the country and the lives of individual citizens always get top priority, but the government does not agree, and so they hold a congressional investigation while the country is sabotaged right under the administrations' noses. Jack is often hampered by the government's inept beaureaucracy, but he gets the job done at great personal sacrifice, misunderstood and unappreciated.

This week President Obama agreed to let his attorney-general prepare charges against those in the Bush administration who might have used questionable interrogation methods in the aftermath of 9/11. They are after the Jack Bauers' who kept our country safe during the Bush presidency.

In "24" the plot changes from week to week. Does fiction imitate life or does life imitate fiction?

Last week Spain made noises about levelling charges against Bush administration officials for their handling of terror suspects. Then, inexplicably, Spain announced that it was withdrawing its threat. At the same time, Obama flip-flopped overnight from not prosecuting to prosecuting the Jack Bauers' of the Bush administration.

I sense that there is a Spanish connection somewhere in this sorry controversy.

In March 11, 2004 Spain suffered an Al-Qaeda inspired attack consisting of a series of coordinated bombings in the commuter train system of Madrid three days before Spains' general elections, in which 191 people were killed and 1,800 were wounded. It was Spains' 9/11. Spain's then incumbent administration which had supported the Iraq war lost the elections. Since then, Spain's ascendant government has been militantly anti-Bush to the point of vindictiveness. Spain has been at the forefront of the Leftist movement to prosecute George Bush. You would think that Al-Qaeda was in office in Spain.

When Spain continued its anti-Bush rhetoric this week, Bill O'Reilly of FoxNews hinted that he might initiate a boycott Spain movement because of Spain's state-sponsored anti-American propaganda. It appears that the media-hog Obama administration found a way to silence Spain by sacrificing the Jack Bauers rather than have O'Reilly steal the spotlight with his anti-Spain boycott, especially since the nationwide Tea Party anti-Tax protests have just been successfully held.

Thus, the flip-flop.

Here is the FoxNews timeline of Obama's statements on torture probe: Timeline

Here is the link to Spain retracting its threat: Spain retracts

Here is the O'reilly Video where he mentioned a boycott of Spain: Spain Boycott

Jack, get ready!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Miss California Stands Up To Political Correctness

How do you stand up to the politically correct establishment? Carrie Prejean, Miss California, shows how.

She was asked by one of the judges in the Miss USA peagent, wether she believed that every state should follow Vermont's lead in legalizing same sex marriage. She answered that according to her faith and her upbringing, she believed that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Perez Hilton, the gay PC police who asked the question gave her a score of zero. Furthermore, Hilton, called her a "b**ch" in his celebrity blog. Carrie finished first runner up.

Carrie said she had no regrets about her reply. In an interview with Fox News Channel, Carrie said that she was, "Honestly happy. This happened for a reason. By having to answer that question in front of a national audience, God was testing my character and faith. I'm glad I stayed true to myself."

Bravo for Carrie. What a beauty! She makes me want to visit California again.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Proyas' "Better Place" is not Heaven

In the movie production "Knowing" by Alex Proyas, the main character is John Koestler, a college instructor and scientist who discovers a strange phenomenon involving his son and a neighbor's daughter. The children have been chosen by aliens to be saved from the destruction about to come on the whole earth. The aliens deposit the two chosen members of the human race into a strange planet and they are to be the new Adam and Eve to start the human race all over again and to prepare a "better place." Koestler apprehends that this "much better place" is where those who die end up, but the scientist comes to this conclusion, not by scientific investigation, or evidence. He does so only by faith and mythology.

This was the belief of a UFO cult called Heaven's Gate, which was based in San Diego, California. The cult members believed that planet Earth was about to be recycled, and that the only chance to survive was to leave it immediately, and believed that a "higher level" of existence was being offered to them when the comet Hale-Bopp appeared in 1997. The group committed mass suicide in their misguided belief that it was the way to go to meet the UFOs' which they believed were waiting for them beyond the comet Hale-Bopp. It appears that Alex Proyas has taken up the mantle of Marshall Applewhite, the cult's deceased leader, in preaching the UFO gospel. Proyas' "better place" is not Heaven.

Heaven is a real place, not myth. This belief is based on the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. As the first man to be resurrected, Jesus Christ is the prototype of the future resurrection. His disciples recognized Jesus, and He carried the scars of the crucifixion in His resurrected body, suggesting that there is a continuity of personality into the resurrection. The resurrected body will not be a disembodied spirit, but a physical, reconstituted body which will not be subject to decomposition or to decay. Heaven will be a place on earth but it will be a new earth, reconstituted so that it will function as the original creation was, unmarred by human sin.

Just as a single mistake in a complex computer program can cause the entire program to fail, so human sin caused a perfect creation to decay. Not so in the new earth. This is why Jesus Christ had to die, so that God's purpose in the original creation may be fulfilled, and so that human sin may not be allowed to cause destruction in the new earth. For a brillant and enlightening discussion of Heaven, read the blog and books by Randy Alcorn.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Self Made Man

This beautiful bronze sculpture is called “Self-Made Man” by Bobbie Carlyle. The original sculpture is in stone.

In medium and message, "Self-Made Man" is an enigma. Marvelous as it is, this sculpture depicting a man sculpting himself into existence has absolutely no awareness or recognition of its creator, Bobbie. Do you think we humans are totally different from this piece of bronze, with all the awareness, senses and intelligence we have?

In as much as secular man with his atheistic philosophy imagines and thinks that he owes his origins to no one but himself and his tools, he is a living, walking enigma, a creature in flesh and blood but no better than a bronze or stone sculpture!

Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth;
for the LORD has spoken:

"Children have I reared and brought up,
but they have rebelled against me.
The ox knows its owner,
and the donkey its master’s crib,
but Israel does not know,
my people do not understand."

Ah, sinful nation,
a people laden with iniquity,
offspring of evildoers,
children who deal corruptly!
They have forsaken the LORD,
they have despised the Holy One of Israel,
they are utterly estranged.

(Isaiah 1:2-4)

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

King of the Jews, The Lord of Glory

Someone had to pay.
You couldn't. None of us could.
He owed nothing but He paid.
For you. For me.
It is finished!
Change your world view,
Receive Him, and
Live for God.

"But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory. None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory."

(1 Corinthians 2:7-8)

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Richard Dawkins Converts to Christianity

April Fool's joke.

But the real fools are the atheists, not only on April 1 but as long as they deny that God exists. But most of them, including Richard Dawkins, would rather join Heaven's Gate Cult than convert to Christianity.

But if we believe in God but live as though He didn't exist, then we are no better fools than the atheists.

The fool says in his heart, "There is no God."
They are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity;
there is none who does good.
God looks down from heaven
on the children of man
to see if there are any who understand,
who seek after God.

They have all fallen away;
together they have become corrupt;
there is none who does good,
not even one.

(Psalm 53:1-3)