Saturday, June 18, 2005

The Obfuscation of Issues

One favorite tactic of Leftist activists is to cry out that their first ammendment rights are being threathened, that they are being silenced, that they are being suppressed, whenever anyone dares to argue against them, or point out the stupidity of their arguments, or point out principles that contradict them.

They are like spoiled cry babies who can't stand being told something, or who can't stand it when their will cannot be imposed on the world.

Thus, when Christians refuse to buy from businesses that support the gay rights agenda, they cry out "suppression!" When academic professors are challenged for their comments against the war in Iraq, they cry out "academic freedom is being suppressed!" or "patriotism is being questioned!"

They shift the focus of the argument from the issues to the "violation of their rights." Obfuscation covers up lack of substance.


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