Friday, June 24, 2005

Some Exciting Possibilities for Eminent Domain

Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has placed economic development above the
right to private property, let us examine some possible brave new
initiatives that city governments could undertake:

"That Baptist Church in that corner lot is a blight on the community. Its
members are fundamentalist Christians who are divisive. We've been trying to get a Casino into the city, but they have opposed it. The community is
better served if that corner lot is developed into a new shopping center.
Let the city council vote to move that Church out of there. Besides, they're not paying any taxes."

"The City Council has received complaints regarding this person's yard.
Everybody else in his neighborhood hires a contractor but he does his own
yard and sometimes, he just does not keep up to the standard. Let the city
council vote to have a better resident occupy that property so it will look

All for the "common good".


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