Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Abortion and Terrorism Compared.
- Terrorism kills the innocent. Abortion also kills the innocent.
- Terrorism ambushes lives at home, where the people think they are safe. Abortion kills life in the womb which heretofore was thought to be inviolable.
- Terrorism has an utter disregard for human life. Abortion treats human life as worthless tissue, a "product of conception", totally disposable.
- Victims of terrorism have no way of defending themselves. Likewise for the unsuspecting baby in the womb.
- Terrorists defend their actions with political reasons. Abortionists also defend their actions with political reasons.
Abortion and Terrorism do have their differences.
- Victims of Terrorism are often avenged. Aborted babies have no avenger.
- Terrorists kill for religious reasons. Abortionists kill for secular reasons.
- Terrorism is against the law. Abortion is legal.
What is legal is not necessarily moral.
Saturday, November 27, 2004
"God Censors" at Work in Cupertino
Declaration of Independence Banned at Calif School
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A California teacher has been barred by his school from giving students documents from American history that refer to God -- including the Declaration of Independence.
Steven Williams, a fifth-grade teacher at Stevens Creek School in the San Francisco Bay area suburb of Cupertino, sued for discrimination on Monday, claiming he had been singled out for censorship by principal Patricia Vidmar because he is a Christian.
"It's a fact of American history that our founders were religious men, and to hide this fact from young fifth-graders in the name of political correctness is outrageous and shameful," said Williams' attorney, Terry Thompson.
"Williams wants to teach his students the true history of our country," he said. "There is nothing in the Establishment Clause (of the U.S. Constitution) that prohibits a teacher from showing students the Declaration of Independence."
Vidmar could not be reached for comment on the lawsuit, which was filed on Monday in U.S. District Court in San Jose and claims violations of Williams rights to free speech under the First Amendment.
Note that this case happened in the San Francisco area where Mayor Gavin Newsom ignored law and wed homosexuals.
Powerline blog sounds an ominous note on this development.
Friday, November 26, 2004
Did the Global Flood Really Happen?
In 2002 National Geographic reported that a fossil of a young mummified dinosaur was discovered in Montana. Mummified means that the dinosaur was preserved into fossil, with skeleton, tissue, skin, scales, muscle, beak, foot pads, and even the contents of the dinosaur's digestive tract, its last meal. Dr. Mace Baker, Ph. D. has written about the discovery,"Acceptance of old-earth ideas, including the Big Bang, progressive creation, theistic evolution, the framework hypothesis, etc., necessarily implies downgrading the Flood of Noah's day from worldwide in scope to merely one of local extent. For example, Dr. Hugh Ross (an aggressive advocate of billions of years for the earth's age) vigorously denies the global flood. He calls it "universal," covering all that Noah could see, but not the entire earth. This insistence does not come from sound Biblical exegesis, but from the incompatibility of a global flood with old-earth thinking, which he accepts. The evidence for great ages is thought to be found in the rock and fossil records of the earth's crust. These are interpreted by the principle of uniformitarianism, that "the present is the key to the past." Since geologic processes happen slowly today, they argue, the extensive rock and fossil records must have taken great lengths of time to form."
Noah lived in the Middle East. The mummified dinosaur was found in Montana, USA. The evidence of Leonardo speaks to us from ages past of the global, cataclysmic flood recorded in the Book of Genesis."It is important to remember that Leonardo (the dinosaur's nickname) was alive when it ate the plants, but was drowned and became buried in sediments before it could digest this meal. If this dinosaur had died under normal and/or uniformitarian circumstances...and had been slowly and gradually covered by sands of time, no fossilized material, let alone mummified material, would have been left for us to observe these thousands of years later."
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Thank God for a "Just Right" Universe
- "There are 29 fine-tuned parameters to the Universe such as constants in the equations for gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear forces, ratio of proton to electron mass.
- There are 51 fine-tuned Parameters to our Galaxy, Solar System, and Planet such as:
- distance from the sun
- size, temperature, & type of sun
- size, axial tilt, rotation speed, moon, & composition of earth
- stability of Jupiter and Saturn
- distance from the sun
- 10-53 Probability of all 80 fine-tuned parameters occurring by chance.
- 1022 Upper limit for number of stars in the universe. Assume 1 planet per star, therefore 1022 planets in the universe. So how do we determine how many planets may be suitable for life? 10-53 x 1022 = 10-31 or 0.0000000000000000000000000000001 planets suitable for life
- Jupiter acts as a comet and asteroid magnet shielding earth from catastrophic collisions.
- Our sun is located between spiral arms of the Milky Way Galaxy where there are fewer stars (less harmful radiation and disruptive gravity) and less gas and dust (we can see the rest of the galaxy and universe).
- Since 1996, over 50 planets outside our solar system have been found. Only 5% of stars have planets. The planets are either too large, too close to their star, or with too erratic an orbit to harbor life.
- Have the probabilities changed? There are now 123 parameters with a probability of 1 in 10161. When multiplied with a very generous estimate of 1 planet/star or 1022 planets, the final number of planets in the universe suitable for life is 10-139 or
- 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000001 planets!"
Thank God Almighty for a "just right" universe! The earth must be a very special place indeed, and man must be a very special being.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Must All Faiths Be Equal?
Monday, November 22, 2004
God Wants the Separation of Church and State
Today, the secular state is performing the office of the "priesthood". In making political issues out of morality, it is going outside its God-ordained boundaries. The state has allowed the surgeon's knife to invade the sacredness of the womb. Instead of being the guardian of life, the state has been playing god guaranteeing happiness and convenience at the expense of the weak. The state is intensifying its role as guarantor of happiness by allowing the destruction of the meaning of sex and marriage and procreation. It is bartering away morality at the altar of politics.
God wants the separation of church and state. The state should stop politicizing morality and keep off the areas of the church.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Liberators or Destroyers?
Driven by the pursuit of higher ratings and economic gain, they are quick to capitalize on and exploit the volatile issues that ignite human passions while claiming to be merely supplying the demands of the viewing public. The liberal elite understand human nature to be enslaved by Victorian morality, believing their mission to be that of using the media to liberate us from the shackles of morality and lead us into sexual utopia.
The liberal elite in control of the TV networks and Hollywood film who are not even motivated by conventional notions of right and wrong on sexuality, but are moved by a crass materialism and a thoroughly secular agenda are enemies of the culture, hostile destroyers, and catalysts for decadence. In vain will the politicians legislate ratings and V-chips against them. The Supreme Court, having been seduced to neutrality in the culture war, will guarantee that licentiousness and pervertion is "protected speech."
We must arm ourselves and our families in every possible way, in spirit, intellect, emotion and environment against the onslaught on our senses and sensibilities by these pushers of pervertion.
Friday, November 19, 2004
Kerry Identifies the Media
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Robin Hood in Court
Meanwhile, because the deep pockets are so scared of the trial lawyers, our health care insurance premiums go up and the quality of health care is drastically reduced. I had to postpone much-needed care for next year because this year's insurance allotment has already been met. I was denied much-needed service because some professional considered me a "high risk" patient. I've lost something here. I should cry out. "I've been robbed!!!" Should I ask for Robin Hood's help?
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Consenting Adults
Compassion for the Weak
"should approach this issue with compassion for ALL the living, not just the fetus."
Since Roe Vs Wade, 45.4 million unborn babies have been killed. I suppose it's not very compassionate to say that. Perhaps Clickter would rather read "45.4 million fetuses have been terminated." Who will have compassion on the unborn? Furthermore, if we are to have compassion on ALL the living, then the law should not discriminate against the unborn by allowing them to be killed. The trouble is, while Clickter seems to be a Christian and treats the unborn as living, he allows the law to treat the unborn as not living. Do we then show compassion on someone at the expense of the life of another? Mourn for our country!
Monday, November 15, 2004
The Battle over History
Their struggle to rewrite US history consists in:
1) Demonizing Christianity and attributing the evils of society to Christianity, as far back as Christopher Columbus and beyond.
2) Establishing that the founding fathers were secularist in belief so that Christian spirituality had no influence whatsoever on the US Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
In doing this they hope to accomplish the following:
1) Cut off the present and future generations from their spiritual roots.
2) Drive Christians into a privatized faith, and prevent them from holding any public office.
3) Advance the cause of secularism and become free from the influence of Christian morality which they regard as evil;
4) Pursue more ubridled sexual freedom and social experimentation which they regard as the pursuit of happiness.
5) Mold society into their image of a thoroughly secular one sanctioned by activist judge advocates with no moral restraint.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Footprints in the Clay of Time
My Truth, Your Truth, Whose Truth?
Friday, November 12, 2004
Suppressing God
Against religious pluralism stands the truth of Divine Revelation, that is, God Himself has spoken and has revealed Himself to mankind. God has not been silent while we humans argue about truth. The problem is not the absence of truth about God. It is the suppression of truth about God, and it is not just the secular state which suppresses it. We human beings suppress it.
The English novelist and essayist Aldous Leonard Huxley, a distinguished literary scholar stated,
“We objected to morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom" (Ends and Means).
Huxley is also known for his experiments with hallucinogenic drugs.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
The State Seduced
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Class Envy – A Basic Political Tool
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
The New Media
From MSM to PSM
Monday, November 08, 2004
Preying on the poor
In a Boston Globe commission to study State Lotteries , a store owner observed that:
"The lottery is no good. It robs from the poor. It robs from my neighbors. People lose a lot
of money. The government has no business being involved."
In the same Boston Globe study:
"Then we learned that when the Social Security and welfare checks arrive, local residents line up outside the store and down the sidewalk hoping to parlay their meager subsistence into instant wealth."
The poor people are now responding eagerly to the false hope being held out by state governments throughout the nation: "Come to me all ye who labor and are heavy-laden and I will sell you lottery tickets. Take this bet upon you and learn of the huge jackpot. For the bet is easy and the burden is light. And it shall be given to some lucky citizen, millions upon millions, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over it shall be given to that lucky one."
And people everywhere gamble away their hope one Dollar at a time, thanks to the state.
Sunday, November 07, 2004
The Pursuit of Pleasure
Take for example the ultimate purpose of sex. At its very foundation, sexual distinctions between male and female support the long-range purpose of procreation, reproduction, and perpetuation of the human race, with male and female roles being in harmony with the underlying anatomy and physiology particular to each sex. Sexual pleasure is merely a by-product in the fulfillment of the eternal purpose of sex, which is procreation.
The modern mind has elevated pleasure as the ultimate purpose of sex, and has treated procreation and the perpetuation of the race as an incidental purpose. It has even treated reproduction as a nuisance of a consequence in the pursuit of pleasure. The enthronement of pleasure is the triumph of Futility and the defeat of Meaning. Pleasure does not accomplish anything. That is why it is futile. Sex has lost its ultimate meaning. Biological differences between male and female are meaningless. Only the pursuit of pleasure matters, and all the institutions and traditions must now be readjusted to support this new "value".
Saturday, November 06, 2004
The New Golden Calf
Friday, November 05, 2004
Elections role in the Culture War
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Silencing expression of belief
They are making a fatal mistake. They are mistaken because God has existed even before the Church was formed. In fact, God has existed even before the State began, and the State exists because God established it. The Secularists are not just for separating the Church from the State, but they are attempting to purge God from the State. This is a laughable position because no one is strong enough to separate God from anything at all.
One cannot silence expression of belief in God anywhere, public or private. If men become silent, then even the stones will cry out.