Tuesday, November 09, 2004

From MSM to PSM

The so-called main stream media (MSM) is no longer main stream. It has become polluted stream media (PSM). I am referring to Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, The New York Times, and other liberal traditional sources of news, the Hollywood actors- and actresses-turned-politicians, The revisionist historians, and pseudo-political movie producers such as Michael Moore who have ceased to become truthful, and have become partisan opinion mongers. They can no longer be trusted. During the last election Dan Rather raised up false witnesses against the President, then later grudgingly apologized only after his nefarious scheme was exposed as a fraud. The others rushed to prop him up. The New York Times dredged up some old news concerning missing munitions on Iraq trying to pin it on the President. Michael Moore's political fantasy is becoming basic training in liberal ideology and terrorist mastermind Osama Bin Ladin endorsed Moore's point of view. They all failed miserably to bring down the President. I'm glad there is an alternative to the PSM.


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