Terri is Dead
Pray for the United States of America.
The darkness is here.
The culture war rages on:
State supremacy vs. God's Sovereignty...Religious Pluralism and Atheism vs. Divine Revelation...Moral Relativism vs. Absolute Truth...Darwin vs. Moses...Revisionism vs. Historical Truth...Abortion and Terrorism vs. The Right to Life...Reductionism vs. Honor...Socialism vs. Capitalism...Machiavellian Principalities vs. The Prince of Peace...Materialism & Decadence vs. Decency & Contentment...
Choose today which side you are for.
"For nearly a century, evolutionists have been claiming, with dogmatic certainty, that the first life on earth appeared in a 'primordial soup' consisting of water loaded with chemicals necessary for the start of life. This 'warm little pond' was believed to have been struck by an electrical discharge (most likely from lightning) which caused the chemicals to form complex protein molecules, which eventually brought forth life. From this first life, evolutionists postulate, all other life evolved."As I discussed in a previous post, the complex structure of a single molecule of DNA could not possibly be formed through the process of Natural Selection. There is further evidence that contradicts Darwinism. Ralph O. Muncaster discusses further barriers to the Darwinian theory of origins:
"Every time a nucleotide is added in the construction of a molecule of DNA, a molecule of water is released. The process is reversible. In chemistry, a reaction will not naturally proceed in a direction that produces a product already in abundance. Because water is produced, it would be impossible for DNA to form in water (as proposed by 'ocean-vent' or primordial-soup theories)" (Creation Vs. Evolution, by Ralph O. Muncaster, p. 29)Darwinism is foiled again by DNA.
"Pragmatism is a school of philosophy which originated in the United States in the late 1800s. Pragmatism is characterized by the insistence on consequences, utility and practicality as vital components of truth."Terri Schiavo is in a "persistent vegetative state" say the judges and the doctors. Her life isn't worth saving, they say. The Federal Courts have upheld the State Courts and have refused to reinsert her feeding tube. The Federal Courts are now complicit with Michael Schiavo and the State Courts in the murder of Terri Schindler, depriving her of her right to life. Pragmatism wins the day and the judges have determined for us what is useful or practical, or how long a helpless individual should be allowed to live.
"The state's protracted denial of equal protection cannot be justified simply because such constitutional violation has become traditional," . . . "Simply put, same-sex marriage cannot be prohibited solely because California has always done so before."
"A San Francisco Superior Court judge has ruled California's Proposition 22 unconstitutional, voiding the law passed by voter initiative in 2000 which restricts marriage to one man and one woman.The judge calls traditional marriage irrational. He also has no right to invalidate the will of the California voters. The courts' slide towards illegitimacy continues.
Judge Richard Kramer said the state had no legal basis to restrict the definition.
'It appears that no rational purpose exists," he wrote in his decision, "for limiting marriage in this state to opposite-sex partners.'
"I can accept that you feel very strongly about your beliefs. However, here are some questions to ponder: Perhaps there are true Christians that disagree with your interpretation of the Christian faith: how do you reconcile your theology with theirs?"One of the outcomes of a secularized culture is what Dr. Ravi Zacharias calls “The Privatization of Faith.” People have come to accept the loss of absolutes, and even in matters of faith, hold to a loose interpretation of Scripture. Faith has become a private matter. Relativism has been applied to faith, and the Christian Church has not been immune to the secular culture. Churches have lost their unity over their abandonment of historic Christian truths, selling out to political correctness.
“Are you aware that there are atheists and agnostics who have strong moral convictions and are in no way relativistic?”Yes, I am aware of this. It is a world view which draws from Immanuel Kant’s philosophy, which states that you can arrive at morality by use of pure reason and that reason alone can show you the basis for right and wrong and by knowing what is right, you can will to do what is right. You do not need God to reveal to you what is right or wrong. You can arrive at it from common sense alone.
“I think it is very important to know what Kant said beyond that, and if we don’t understand that we run into problems…People in the Western World are very quick to tell us what Immanuel Kant said about right and wrong, that we could arrive at it unaided by reason without any revelation; they forget the second qualifier that he put. Kant said, 'my choice of right and wrong should not be determined by what makes me happy either…It has nothing to do with personal happiness…' But Kant himself, in the preface to his second volume ends up admitting this: he said, 'ultimately my ethical theory is best (formulated) after we have determined the purpose of human existence,' which means he has linked inextricably, purpose and morality. Purpose ultimately defines Morality.”Do you think that an atheist is in the best position to determine the purpose of human existence, and thus determine morality using his reason alone? If there is no God, then the purpose of man is to live a narcissistic, hedonistic existence. Is this the basis for morality then? And if there is no God, then Darwinism is the key to providing purpose for humanity. Good luck with that!
Anthony Kennedy, the Supreme Court justice who wrote the majority opinion
on striking down the death penalty for those under 18 years old, took his
lead from European precedent, not from the American historical and
constitutional context. He must think that the U.S. is so primitive and
Europe so avant garde. That is progressive ideology at work. That is the
mentality of the ACLU. They are ashamed of the American cultural tradition
that values human life and human responsibility. They cannot place
individual responsibility but blame the environment, parents, the
government, and institutions for the actions of a minor. A person who
commits murder is not to be made responsible for his actions because
something in his upbringing must not have been right. Adults are to blame
because they have not created a paradise on earth which all children have a
right to have. When minors kill, the state must turn the other cheek.
This is the statist mentality at work, the mentality that makes a god out
of the state, the belief that the state is the absolute arbiter of life,
and that the individual is merely a creature of the state. This would not
be so if God were the source of life and absolute value.
Basic information on Social Security is found in this link: How Today's Social Security Works