Friday, March 25, 2005

Begging For Life From The Courts

The judges are emboldened to kill Terri Schiavo because of her husband’s allegation that Terri does not want her life prolonged by artificial means. This is buttressed by medical opinions that Terri is in a “persistent vegetative state” and has no hope of recovery. They have decided that 15 years or so using a feeding tube is enough time to live. They see no purpose in her life, in a “vegetative state.”

Who has given those judges and medical experts infinite wisdom, so that they can determine the purpose of life? How did they determine that Terri’s life is useless? Did they not see the parents and brother and sister of Terri in their anguish? Perhaps Terri’s life is useless to her husband, but not to others. They have seen the quality of life Terri was living and judged it worthless, even a liability, measuring it by dollars of care and expenses of hospitalization.

We are poorer as a nation, and our worth as a people has been diminished when the best minds of the land, those sitting in the courts, have the arrogance to claim that they know the value and purpose of human existence, and by their own human wisdom have put a cap on life. “Thus far you shall go and no further,” they have pronounced.

I don’t blame the Schindlers for trying to exhaust every possibility, but haven’t they been demeaned enough by the Courts? They now beg the Courts, which have passed a value judgment on their beloved daughter, “You Vegetable! You’re not Fit To Live!” “Away With You!” They beg life from the executioner!


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