Saturday, March 12, 2005

Courts Spare Murderers and Kill the Innocent

The judges and justices of the U.S. Courts sure ally themselves with the strangest bedfellows.

In 1963 the Supreme Court allied itself with the noisy godless crowd who were offended when children were taught to pray in public schools, and outlawed praying in school. This action was soon followed by outlawing God in the schools as well.

Then the courts allied themselves with the minority men who wanted to have sex with fellow men, and women who wanted to have sex with fellow women. Now the courts want to marry men with men and women with women. Hey, if President Clinton could say that oral sex isn’t sex, who is to say what marriage should be? The courts agreed.

Then, the courts allied themselves with the European bleeding heart liberals who couldn’t believe that minors are just as capable of murderous instincts as adults, and abolished the death penalty for minors. This will soon result in more murders committed by those under 18.

Now a judge in the Florida Circuit Court, George W. Greer, has allied himself with an estranged husband now with another woman* and has two children with her, but who can’t seem to leave his disabled wife* alone, and wants her killed. Terri Schiavo, the wife*, has not committed any crime. She is not in a comma. She is not terminally ill. She is simply mentally incapacitated. She has a family who wants to care for her. She is not a burden to her husband*. Yet the court takes the husband’s side and has ordered to have her starved to death!

Where are the anti death penalty activists now? Why don’t they speak out against this impending murder of the innocent? The courts spare murderers because they are under 18 years old, yet order an innocent woman killed to please her husband*! This is not just an issue of euthanasia. We do not need to argue about the value of Terri Schiavo's life. This is an issue of justice, which the state has a moral duty to execute. Without justice, the state becomes illegitimate.

This perverted sense of justice has invited the judgment of Almighty God in the past upon men and nations, and will invite it again upon us. Can God really bless America when the guilty are unpunished and the blood of the innocent are spilled?

*CORRECTION: I wrote that Terry Schiavo and her husband are divorced. Terri Schiavo and her husband are in fact not divorced. Please see Comments.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is my understanding that Terry Schiavo is still married to her husband. From what I have read, he refuses to divorce her. That would, it seems, have given her parents guardianship of her. It looks like he could get $100,000 when she dies. Have I missed something where he did indeed go through with the divorce?

March 12, 2005 8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment and clarification. You did not miss anything, but rather it was I who missed it.

March 14, 2005 10:29 PM  

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