Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Forty Years Since Supreme Court Seduction

In 1963 the U.S. Supreme Court decided a case which challenged prayer recitation in the public schools. That case -- Murray v. Curlett -- was a landmark decision and marks the time when the U.S. Supreme Court divorced the God of its founding fathers, the Creator of the Universe, and married itself to the religion of self worship. Here is a quote from the case:
"Your petitioners are Atheists, and they define their lifestyle as follows. An Atheist loves himself and his fellow man instead of a god. An Atheist accepts that heaven is something for which we should work now -- here on earth -- for all men together to enjoy. An Atheist accepts that he can get no help through prayer, but that he must find in himself the inner conviction and strength to meet life, to grapple with it, to subdue it and to enjoy it. An Atheist accepts that only in a knowledge of himself and a knowledge of his fellow man can he find the understanding that will help to a life of fulfillment."
There is no such thing as an atheist. Man is always worshipping something. Without a belief in the supernatural, he worships himself, nature, science, or his intellect. He is his own god. This is the greatest seduction of all time, and the Supreme Court fell for it.

The Supreme Court let in the camel's nose, and now the camel wants to occupy the whole tent. Atheism is a religion. It is the religion of self-worship. It has a creed. It is the creed of Political Correctness. The Supreme Court established a religion in violation of the Constitution.

Animals Smarter Than Humans in Obeying Nature

The Associated Press confirms that they found "no evidence of large-scale animal deaths from the tsunamis, indicating that animals may have sensed the wave coming and fled to higher ground." The AP reports:
"Floodwaters from Sunday's tsunami swept into the park, uprooting trees and toppling cars onto their roofs -- one red car even ended up on top of a huge tree -- but the animals apparently were not harmed and may have sought out high ground, said Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne, whose Jetwing Eco Holidays ran a hotel in the park.

"This is very interesting. I am finding bodies of humans, but I have yet to see a dead animal," said Wijeyeratne, whose hotel in the park was destroyed."

There is something here about natural laws that animals pay attention to, natural laws which human courts set aside, including the Supreme Court of Canada. The seriousness of human blindness can be seen in Sri Lanka's government's refusal of a medical volunteer team because the team sending the aid is Israeli.

Monday, December 27, 2004

The Hollywood Ostrich

Mel Gibson’s film, “The Passion.” is the third biggest film in gross receipts in 2004, next to “Shrek Two”, and “Spider Man 2.” Yet, the Hollywood elite won’t even consider it worth any of its prestigious awards because it’s a portrayal of Jesus Christ that is faithful to the gospels. The Hollywood elite is like an ostrich burying its head in the sand. They are denying the reality of the success of “The Passion” and are maintaining their staunch anti-Christian bias because of their agenda to use the film media to ramrod the homosexual lifestyle into American culture. It would not be far-fetched to imagine that they are already prepared to nominate a film still to be released next year, one based on the DaVinci Code which portrays Jesus in a sexual relationship with Mary Magdalene. The Hollywood elite is typically at war with decency and morality.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

A Christmas Blog

The Christmas message is “Peace on Earth,” but the world’s response to Jesus Christ has not all been peaceful. Consider the different attitudes people can have towards Jesus Christ:

Diminish Him – “Jesus was just an ordinary man who did good”
Neutralize Him – “Jesus was a great philosopher and a teacher”
Deny Him – “Jesus was just a myth the early Christians invented”
Ignore Him – “Jesus is irrelevant to the modern, scientific world.”
Demonize Him – “Jesus’ strict morality is a threat to civil liberties and sexual liberation.”
Hate Him – “Jesus was a religious fanatic and his followers should be kept out of the state and his teachings out of public policy.”
Tame Him – “Jesus is my friend.”
Worship Him – “Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth, and of all creation.”

You can do what you want with Jesus Christ. He is not going away. He was, and is, and is to come.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Happy Holidays One and All!

I wish everyone Happy Holidays. As for me and my house, we are celebrating the birth of Jesus, the Messiah, the reason for the season. May His salvation and His peace come to you and your house as well.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

U.S. Soldiers Among Dead in Mosul Attack

I mourn the death of the nineteen U.S. Soldiers and grieve with their families. Jesus, have mercy on us. Encourage us in these trying times. Lord, make the peace victorious in Iraq and fight our battle. Amen.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Why Goods From China are so Cheap

This is an excerpt from "Voice of the Martyrs"
Journalist Li Ying is currently serving a 15-year prison sentence for her role in the publication of an underground church magazine in China. She was arrested April 2001 along with sixteen others from the South China Church and condemned to death December 2001. Her current sentence was handed down during a re-trial ordered by the Hubei Provincial Supreme Court in October, 2002...Li Ying cannot have a Bible and is forced to work 15 hours each day on materials to be exported out of China.
The next time you find a bargain at Walmart, or any other store, and find that it was made in China, be happy, but take a moment to think of Li Ying and others like her in China, and say a prayer for them.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Dreaming of Sanity

After the recent elections, the number of inquiries from the U.S. for immigration into Canada surged, apparently due to liberal democrats who can't stand the implications of having George W. Bush as president of the U.S. for four more years, and who are looking to escape it.

Now that the Canadian Supreme Court has decided to legalize so-called homosexual marriage and do away with natural law, there must be tremendous excitement among liberal democrats, especially among their homosexual constituents. They are not looking at moving to Canada, but are eagerly hoping for a similar earth-shaking decision from the U. S. Supreme Court. After all, the liberal Justices headed by Anthony Kennedy, in a recent decision, overturned a 1983 decision, Bowers vs. Hardwick, that had affirmed the right of states to criminalize homosexual sex. Like blind mice, the U.S. and Canadian activist justices have followed each other in legislating sociological/egalitarian principles instead of faithfully interpreting existing laws and historical precedents.

When the U.S. Justices finally plunge the dagger into traditional marriage, will the cultural conservatives be the one's looking to escape the U.S. culture? If they do, where would they run to escape such a step down from sanity? I surmise that they have nowhere to go if the Supreme Court follows Canada's misguided lead. The culture war is liable to intensify and threaten the fragile unity of these United States.

The homosexual activists would be doing a good deed by leaving the U.S. culture alone and emigrating to Canada; but that would only be a dream.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

King Herod is Alive and Well

Mary had a choice. The angel announced that she would conceive of the Holy Spirit, but only after she gave her consent did that Divine miracle take place in her womb. This is reported in the Book of Luke.

I shudder to think what could have happened if Planned Parenthood existed, with the technology of abortion, in the first century. They would have tried to drown out the message of the angels, “Peace on Earth” with their own, “Choice on Earth”. They would have tried to convince Mary that the Child inside of her was just a blob of tissue, and that having a child out of wedlock would have been a burden to Joseph, and would endanger her very own life, and they would have offered her the “choice” of terminating the Divine life inside of her. King Herod would have conscripted Planned Parenthood in his attempt to kill the Messiah.

By God’s grace, Jesus came at just the right time. Herod was unable to kill Him and Planned Parenthood is two thousand years too late. Now, however, Planned Parenthood has exceeded Herod in its campaign of search and destruction of unwanted babies.

This Christmas, be a wise man or woman and say a prayer for a baby that is about to be aborted, a baby who may never experience the joys of Christmas. Pray that God may spare him or her from Herod's knife.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Darwin's Natural Selection Seriously Challenged by Modern Microbiology

The principle of natural selection is at the core of the evolutionary hypothesis.
Charles Darwin in his "The Origin of Species" wrote,
"I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved, by the term Natural Selection."

However the great advances in modern microbiology have revealed information about the cell that were not known during Charles Darwin's lifetime. For example, Dr. Ray Bohlin, a Ph.D in molecular biology, describes the process that takes place in a blood clot,
"This seemingly straightforward process involves over a dozen different proteins with names like thrombin, fibrinogen, Christmas, Stuart, and accelerin. Some of these proteins are involved in forming the clot. Others are responsible for regulating clot formation. Regulating proteins are needed because you only want clots forming at the site of a wound not in the middle of flowing arteries. Yet other proteins have the job of removing the clot once it is no longer needed. The body also needs to eliminate the clot when it has outlived its usefulness, but not before."

Dr. Bohlin describes this principle as that of Irreducible Complexity, and explains that Natural Selection could not possibly account for the complexity of the cell. He writes,
"Let me first address this concept of irreducible complexity. It's really a quite simple concept to grasp. Something is irreducibly complex if it's composed of several parts and each part is absolutely necessary for the structure to function. The implication is that such irreducibly complex structures . . .cannot be built by natural selection because in natural selection, each component must be useful to the organism as the molecular machine is built."
That is, as matter "evolves" according to Darwinian theory, the chemicals needed to form a cell are present in nature, but not yet functioning together to form a cell. Natural Selection would not find individual chemicals useful, and so it would discard them. It would continue discarding the individual chemicals, and the cell would never be built. The scientific community has largely been unable to come up with an evolutionary pathway to explain the development of irreducibly complex biochemical systems, much less the cell. It sure takes a lot of (blind) faith to believe in evolution.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Get Rid of Cultural Parasites

People who come to a party, have a good time, and enjoy the food but ignore the host are uncouth spongers, parasites, and are short of becoming petty thieves. Such are those who celebrate the Christmas season but leave out any reference to Christ, ban Christmas carols that mention the virgin birth, or ban anything associated with the biblical account, for the sake of political correctness. They are cultural freeloaders who contribute nothing to tradition but ignore the significance of this world wide holiday. They imagine that they can cut off the Life that inspired Handel's Messiah, Christmas carols, gift giving, Christmas concerts, and the like, and would rather celebrate this season with nothing more than "It's the most wonderful time of the year," "Frosty the Snowman", "Rudolph", and censor every song, every Christmas card, every decoration, weeding out Christ as if He were some harmful alien.

This secular ideology is appalling in its open hostility to history and tradition, meaning and significance. The secularists have nothing to offer but futility and banality. Without the Christ of Christmas this holiday celebration has no chance of survival. The secularists are parasites that are sucking the life out of the culture. They need to be kicked out of the party like uninvited guests.


Sadly it is these rude guests who are kicking out the host.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

From The Jesus Seminar to DaVinci Code

The Jesus Seminar is a group of Bible scholars who have been meeting since 1985. The liberal press especially Peter Jennings, and the secularist movement just love these scholars. Its most prominent leaders are Robert W. Funk, former professor of the New Testament at the University of Montana, John Dominic Crossan, of DePaul University, Chicago, and Marcus Borg of Oregon State University.

These scholars on the New Testament have made it their life purpose to explain away the supernatural from the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, the prophetic, the miracles, and the claims to deity of Jesus Christ. The Jesus Seminar are the chief proponents of the Gospel of Thomas, a book written in the second to third century A.D. The four gospels were written in the first century A.D. Jimmy Williams of Probe Ministries writes about the Gospel of Thomas:
"It has been almost universally assumed that the parallels in Thomas to the New Testament Gospels and epistles were copied or paraphrased (not the reverse, as the Jesus Fellows claim) to suit Gnostic purposes, teachings which were opposed to all ideas about a supernatural God in the flesh Who could perform miracles, forgive sin, and rise from the dead."
It is this same gospel of Thomas, among other gnostic writings, that Dan Brown in his book, The DaVinci Code uses to spin his "historical novel" to oppose the deity of Jesus Christ and portray Him in his own humanistic image. Michael Gleghorn exposes the gnostic roots of the DaVinci Code.

We see the bitter fruit of the Jesus Seminar in the DaVinci Code, and a movie coming out next year based on the DaVinci Code will lure even more unsuspecting people into this seductive, secularist, and naturalistic image of Jesus which is totally opposed to the God-Man Jesus of the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Hilary for President or Goddess?

The Democratic Party, it appears, is bent on nominating Senator Hilary Clinton for the next presidential election. If you felt that the elections of 2004 were crucial to the nation, what will the elections of 2008 be, if not a struggle of gargantuan proportions? This will not be just about perpetuating the Bill Clinton legacy. To think that about Bill Clinton is to underestimate the stakes involved. Bill Clinton is finished and has been awarded his place in history, and most people know how to remember him.

However, with a woman candidate for president fully committed to the interests of the liberal and secularist movement, there appears to be a confluence of forces that promises to eclipse the united front that came against George W. Bush which included, among the usual liberal interest groups, terrorist mastermind Osama Bin Ladin, billionaire George Soros hand-in-hand with propagandist Michael Moore, and corrupt European heads of state.

Expect a strong spiritual component to the candidacy of Hilary Clinton, not just to win over the Evangelicals, but to promote religious pluralism. Hilary's guiding spiritual force will be the New Age movement, and she will be embraced by the liberal church, the homosexual lobby, the environmentalists, the feminists, and the occultists as a portent of the age. Russ Wise of Probe Ministries has written an interesting article about the role of the goddess in Western culture.

Perhaps Americans are too sophisticated to be worshipping gods and goddesses in this day and age, or are they?

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Which god is the true God?

An anonymous reader responded to a previous post about the separation of church and state, saying that I am "a slave of a false religion," and that I don't want "freedom and love among people."

To the anonymous reader I ask, on what basis do you say that my religion is false? I assume that in saying that, you have found the "true" religion by which you determine what is true and what is false.

From his own words in responding to the "separation of church and state" the
anonymous reader reveals that the state is his point of reference. Those who have rejected the absolute moral law of God have only the state to fall back on. If there is any false god, it is the state. The state is the false god of Marxism. It is the false god of secular humanism and of liberalism.

The state was seduced into becoming god when it intruded into affairs of morality and politicized them. It is not the church which should be kept out of government, but it is the state which is neck deep in moral questions it is not competent to handle. The eternal questions of life and death, body and soul, and sexuality, have been appropriated by the Supreme Court as questions within its jurisdiction with no need of reference to the laws of nature or of nature's Creator. The state is a law unto itself. It is a god, a false god.

The homosexual lobby and secular liberals have this weird delusion about purging God from the state because to them God is a rival to the state. They want freedom from God because God's moral laws inhibit their sexual "freedom." They count on the state to guarantee their happiness by institutionalizing their so-called alternative lifestyle by perverting the institution of marriage. The US constitution only guarantees the pursuit of happiness, and does not guarantee "freedom and love among people" as my anonymous reader would like the state to do. No government institution can guarantee happiness. All it can do is pass laws and enforce laws.

To my anonymous reader: I am not a slave of a false religion, but you are on your way to becoming a slave of the state.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Withholding Good From the Poor at Christmas

"Target Bans Salvation Army Bell Ringers." This was the news last Thanksgiving which sent a chill to the fund-raising efforts of the charitable organization. Target management claims that it has a long-standing policy against allowing solicitations in front of their stores and can no longer make an exception for The Salvation Army.

Why can't they continue to make an exception now, this Christmas after the elections? Are they Kerry supporters and are paying back the "moral values" voters for their support of President Bush? Did the ACLU prompt them to do this? Whatever the reason, it is really strange that a business like Target which is organized for profit would risk losing the good will of many potential shoppers just to be politically in line with the secularists such as the ACLU.

If so, let us remember that there are other stores like WalMart who will continue to allow the Salvation Army bells to sound out for the needy in their local communities. Let us remember this not just this Christmas but for as long as Target holds out for the secularists against The Salvation Army and not shop at Target again. Target is not keeping out just the Salvation Army. It is withholding good from the poor when it is in its power to do them good.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Sugar-coating the Unacceptable

The first shots of the culture war were fired in the area of language. The liberals and secularists realize that in order to make the unacceptable more tolerable, and ultimately promote it as something that is desirable, they have to remove the sting of words traditionally and appropriately associated with the causes that they champion. Consider the following examples:

Original Politicized
Pro Abortion Pro Choice
Pro Life Anti Choice
The Unborn Baby Product of Conception
Sexual Deviation Sexual Preference
Immorality Alternative Lifestyle
Righteousness Bigotry
Criticism Hate Speech
Biblical Morality Homophobia
Terrorist Freedom Fighter
Merry Christmas Happy Holidays

I'm sure that many more such terms could be added to this list.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Help the Iraqui People

The Saddam Hussein regime robbed the Iraqui people of their dignity. It robbed them of their lives. More recently the mismanaged "Oil for Food" program of the United Nations robbed them of much needed food and medicine. The Iraqui people need all the help that they can get. Thanks to the courageous men and women of the U.S. armed forces and their faithful allies, the Iraqui people are on the road towards a free and democratic nation and will be building institutions that will contribute to the healing and rebuilding of the spirit of the people.

We can all help in this good effort by helping "The Spirit of America", a web-based humanitarian organization in its project to raise funds for the Iraqui people through the "Friends of Iraq Blogger Challenge". Bloggers are "competing to raise funds to benefit the people of Iraq. 100% of all donations go to needs selected by these bloggers. Many of our projects support requests made by Americans serving in Iraq (Marines, Army, SeaBees) for goods that help the Iraqi people. Other projects directly support Iraqis who are on the front lines of building a better future for Iraq."

You can help by contributing any amount. Just click on the button below. Thank you for your generosity.