Saturday, May 30, 2009

Dressing Up Darwinism

This year evolutionists and secular fundamentalists the world over are celebrating the 200th birth anniversary of Charles Darwin. In 1859, Darwin published "The Origin of Species," which is the foundation of the modern theory of evolution.

The theory of evolution is imposing. It dominates the intellectual and scientific landscape. No aspiring scientist or university professor may hope to get any serious audience unless he or she demonstrates an allegiance to the theory of evolution. The movie "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" documents the numerous cases where any academic questioning the assumptions of Darwinism, and entertaining the concept of intelligent design is soon expelled from his field by Darwinists who control the upper echelons of universities and hold a monopoly over the sources of scientific information for the media. "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" was the #1 Documentary movie for 2008.

The theory of evolution remains a theory. It is an unproven theory. Its assumptions are full of holes, and do not stand up to scientific methods of inquiry. Evolution has never been observed in action and has no irrefutable supporting evidence. Its fossil evidences have been discredited because either they were outright fraudulent such as The Piltdown Man, or Lucy, or they are discredited because evolution is not the only possible explanation for the fossils. A recent example is Darwinius massilae, nicknamed Ida. Brian Thomas and Frank Sherwin of write that,
"anatomically modern lemurs have been found in rock strata below Ida. Likewise, monkeys have been found in lower layers, which evolutionists believe represent eons of time before Ida's appearance. Thus, Ida is too completely formed and was found in a layer, according to evolutionary timescales, that is too young for her to be the link connecting the earliest primates to descendants that supposedly led to humans."
Scholars, even those sympathetic to Darwin, recognize that the theory of evolution is in crisis.

The theory of evolution is much like a condemned building that is an eyesore and could endanger society. Adolf Hitler used the theory of evolution to justify the superiority of the Arian race and the proposed mass extermination of the Jews. Worldnetdaily reports further:
Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger believed in removing what she called the "dead weight of human waste," the program says.

"Eugenics is applied Darwinism," said Coulter.

The culmination of that belief system appears to have been the Columbine massacre. There, students Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed 12 other students, a teacher and themselves, after setting out on a plan to kill 500.

"Harris wrote on his website, 'YOU KNOW WHAT I LOVE??? Natural SELECTION! It’s the best thing that ever happened to the Earth. Getting rid of all the stupid and weak organisms,'" the report says.

Reports show that on the day of the attack, Harris wore a T-shirt with the words, "Natural Selection."

All this happened, said Kennedy, because of a set of theories based on "a crumbling scientific foundation."
Adolf Hitler, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris believed that they were "the fittest" according to Darwinian theory, and deserved to survive more than other humans.

The Darwinists try to dress up the theory and maintain the illusion of it being established fact and science. They are relying more and more on media hype, pop culture, and political crutches to maintain the theory's exalted status in society, but the emperor has no clothes on. Darwinism is a crumbling superstructure that is an impediment and a dead weight to human scientific progress. One hundred fifty years of evolutionary intellectual bullying are more than enough. The theory of evolution has not proven true and it is time for better scientific hypotheses.


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