Obama's Policy of Revisionism, Appeasement and Recrimination
The premise of this foreign policy is that America's own actions of selfishness and arrogance brought about the hostility of the world against her, and that America's actions to defend herself and wage war against radical Islam only serve to increase terrorist attacks and spur radical extremists to commit more violence. If America only knew how to be nice and to get along with her neighbors, then there would be peace on earth. Radical Islam is a product of global poverty brought about by American economic dominance in the world. As long as we satisfy the American Left and their European counterparts, we appease Al Qaeda and America won't get attacked. So goes the political philosophy of the Obama administration.
Thus, President Obama went about Europe apologizing for America. He kowtowed to the Saudis, and downplayed the religious history of America, insisting that America is now a secularized country. To placate Spain and other Left-leaning governments of the world, he sacrificed the national security of the U. S. by authorizing the investigation and possible prosecution of those involved in interrogating terror suspects under the Bush administration. Classified documents were released exposing government secrets to Al Qaeda and other potential enemies, all to the delight of the ACLU and the American Left and their European counterparts. The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, a leading Democrat, called the CIA liars.
Under the Obama Administration, the cultural whitewashing of radical Islam is in full force. The 9/11 attacks were just criminal actions, and not ideologically driven, and possibly perpetuated by a vast right-wing conspiracy in America (This was the theme of this season's episode of "24".) There is no more "war on terror," the Obama administration prohibiting the use of this term. There is nothing to fear from Islam, and this religion is morally equivalent to Christianity. (Even Jack Bauer on his death bed called for an Imam.)
Meanwhile, the U.S. Congress is bickering over what Nancy Pelosi said, the CIA is distracted and defensive due to Pelosi's slanderous statements, and the Obama administration is preoccupied with its campaign of recrimination against George W. Bush. While the nation paused to remember her fallen soldiers, North Korea launched a test missile that could reach Guam, and exploded a test nuclear device underground, catching the U.S,, the media, and the world by surprise. Pyongyang promises more tests to follow, while Iran strengthens its resolve to develop nuclear weapons.
The world has overnight become a much more dangerous place.
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