Saturday, May 16, 2009

The State Politicizing Morality

When the nation of Israel was formed out of twelve tribes, God exercised direct rule over them through Moses. This is known as a theocracy. It is recorded in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Then God established the kingship over Israel with Saul as the first King. He separated the office of King and the office of Prophet and the office of Priest. Thus was born the separation of "church" and state. The king was not to perform the duties of the priesthood. When Saul disobeyed and performed priestly duties, he suffered tragic consequences: he lost his kingship to David. This is recorded in the books of Samuel.

Today, the secular state is performing the office of the "priesthood". In making political issues out of morality, it is going outside its God-ordained boundaries. The state has allowed the surgeon's knife to invade the sacredness of the womb. Instead of being the guardian of life, the state has been playing god guaranteeing happiness and convenience at the expense of the helpless. The state is intensifying its role as guarantor of happiness by allowing the destruction of the original meaning of sex and marriage just because it issues a piece of paper (marriage license). In proposing hate crimes legislation it is attempting to police the thoughts of its citizens, something even the church does not do.

The separation of church and state is biblical, but the state is too much into areas of the Church, politicizing morality and establishing itself as the arbiter of sin and virtue, establishing its own standards of political correctness over the original Ten Commandments of God Almighty.


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