Press Release on Frankfurt Fossils Drives Media Frenzy
What precious solitary evidence there have been of the so-called missing link or transitional forms have been discredited in the past. Ever since the publication of Darwin’s “Origin of Species” in 1859, newspapers have eagerly published any news that “The Missing Link Has Been Found!!” and “Man’s Ape Ancestry Proven!” Perhaps by overwhelming the public with such publicity, they hope to erase any reasonable doubt about the evidence, and make it easier to ostracize anyone who questions the scientific elite’s conclusions. Also, by rushing to publish pictures of the so-called missing link in textbooks, children will become indoctrinated into evolutionary theory faster before the evidence can be discredited. Some discredited evidences of evolution remain in textbooks today.
One spectacular example of the fevered frenzy to find the missing link is the discovery of the Piltdown Man. In December, 1912, Charles Dawson, an amateur archeologist, presented to the Geological Society of London a human skull with an ape-like jaw assembled from fragments which workmen found while digging a trench in the Kent and Sussex areas. The skull was named “Eoanthropus dawsoni,” and was proclaimed the dawn of man in his evolution. It wasn’t until 1953 that fluorine tests revealed that the skull and the jaw were of different ages, and that Piltdown man was a fraud. That fraudulent evidence helped keep Darwinism afloat for decades.
Because humans did not evolve from animals, there are no evidence for transitional forms nor will there ever be. The Darwinian scientific elite has to come up with manufactured evidence from time to time in order to “rally the troops” and prop up the tottering superstructure of the theory of evolution a few decades more.
This latest find of a fossil lemur-like animal they are calling Ida and claiming it to be the missing link is just another example of the atheistic scientists’ wishful thinking and interpretation of evidence according to evolutionary misconceptions. John Hurum is hoping that Ida will keep Darwinism afloat a hundred years more, and the secular media is willing to be the unthinking parrot of the Darwinian scientific elite.
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