Monday, October 31, 2005

Eisenhower's Questionable Legacy

In 1957, the Soviet Union became the first country to launch a space satellite. The Eisenhower administration made the appalling conclusion that godless communism was superior to theistic philosophy resulting in the Soviet's superior science and technology. The Eisenhower administration, ordered massive spending on the rewriting of textbooks to promote Darwinian evolution in schools. The poisonous world view of Darwin wreaked havoc on the culture, and the effects are with us today.

First the Soviets did not have superior science. They were just better spies who stole research from the U.S.

Second, Darwinian Evolution does not result in superior science. Scientists pay lip service to Darwin but it contributes little to the advancement of science.

Third, the greatest discoveries in science were made by men and women who were believers in God, such as Nicholas Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Rene Descartes, Sir Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, Michael Faraday, Gregor Mendel, William Thomson Kelvin, Max Planc, Albert Einstein.

Eisenhower traded God for Darwin. Driven by envy and rivalry, he sacrificed the education of the children of the United States to Darwin in order to win the space race.

Today the space program is driven by the same godless philosophy. The goal of the space program is to find that superior alien intelligence in other planets that would explain the origins of the universe, and of this special place we call earth.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Martin Luther, Blogger

The last Sunday in October is designated Reformation Sunday by Christian Churches. Today, we commemorate a historical event in the Reformation, when Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses on the door of the Church at Wittenberg for all the community to read.

If the Internet were invented in 1517, the 95 would have been Martin Luther's first web log. Martin Luther would have been a most effective Blogger. Weblogs are having an impact on society today in a similar way that the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral served as a forum for the dissemination of opinion against established power structures.

The Culture Warrior is just a miniscule drop in the vast world of the Blogosphere. It was October 31, a year ago when I first posted on this weblog. It is a small beginning, but anyone who has eyes to read are welcome.

Thank you for those who have read this weblog and have posted comments. Unfortunately, due to SPAM comments, I have to shut off commenting on my posts.

The Culture Warrior will continue, with God's help.

Friday, October 07, 2005

PETA is Darwin's Child

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) recently launched an exhibit comparing the brutality against slaves in America to the slaughter of animals for human consumption.

This is another bitter fruit of the Darwinian Theory of Evolution. To PETA there is a moral equivalence between pigs and humans. We are all animals in PETA's eyes and in Darwin's Theory as well.

Not only is Darwinian Theory wrong. It is dangerous.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A Most Destructive Theory

Charles Darwin, through his theory of evolution, gave the world a destructive legacy. The theory of Evolution contributed to the rise of racism, socialism, and decadence. In Australia, aborigines were slaughtered because their skulls were believed to be examples of earlier stages of evolution. The Smithsonian Institute keeps thousands of these skulls to preserve Darwin's legacy. Adolf Hitler believed that the Arian race was on top of the evolutionary ladder and justified the murder of Jews and other races on the basis of Darwin's legacy. Not only is the Theory of Evolution wrong, it is also dangerous.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Being Neutral About God

Is it possible to be neutral about God?

Either God exists or He doesn't. There is no middle ground.

This is the fundamental law of logic, the law of non-contradiction. The Supreme Court of the United States is in denial about God. It mistakenly assumes it can hold a middle ground, arbitrating between atheists and citizens who believe in God.

In as much as it believes it can hold this ground, the Supreme Court has become a small god, having set itself up against all rational thought in becoming "neutral" about God.

Its foundation has been severely weakened, and is crumbling. It is living on borrowed time.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Divine Revelation and Individual Interpretation

There has been an essential unity of belief about the person and work of Jesus Christ. The historical meaning of the person and work of Jesus Christ is recorded in the New Testament, in the so-called cannon of scripture.

Scripture, therefore, interprets history. It is not men who interpret history, particularly the events surrounding the life and work of Jesus Christ. In vain do scholars such as those who belong to The Jesus Seminar try to "get behind" the events recorded in scripture in order to derive their own interpretation of events. In vain do theologians try to "demythologize" the new Testament in an attempt to make it acceptable to the modern naturalistic mindset, stripped of all allusions to the supernatural.

Men who read scripture with an open heart and an open mind will have the meaning of the historical events confirmed in their hearts and minds through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is needed for the truth to be confirmed because the events in scripture have to do with spiritual truths, supernatural reality which cannot be derived by unaided human intellect.

The person who wants to learn of the truths about God must come to God, believing that He exists and that He will reward those who diligently seek Him.

This is how divine revelation is applied individually, not through some magical apparition or weeping statues or the like. It is through the Word of God in scripture that God's truth becomes apparent to the human heart when it is combined with faith.