Thursday, August 25, 2005

Supporting the Troops But Aiding the Enemy

Those who say that they support the troops but are against the war are blowing nothing but hot air. What they really mean is they support the troops but not the Commander-in-Chief, George W. Bush. You might as well cut off the head from the body. How then can you support the body of the troops by cutting off its head? Can a fighting force stand when it is divided?

Furthermore, when they speak against the war, they do so in a way that gives aid and comfort to the terrorists. Witness, for example the rhetoric of Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois and his Democratic lackeys. The enemy was cheering at his comments comparing Guantanamo to the Murderous Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. They promote division among the troops.

Those who talk hot air like this, and give aid and comfort to the enemy by their rhetoric deserve the kind of treatment which General George Patton gave to one of his troops. He slapped him in the head for cowardice.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Eminent Domain Israeli Style

The Jewish settlers in Gaza are being asked by the Israeli state to leave
the homes they have worked hard to build and the land they have sweated to
cultivate because of the political policy of appeasement. The Israeli
government hopes to trade land for the promise of peace from the
Palestinian authority. This is a brutal reminder of the extent to which
the state can exercise its coercive power over the citizens it is supposed
to protect. In a recent decision, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the right
of city governments to forcibly buy the land and property of private
individuals for the sake of "community development." The Jewish settlers
are tasting the brutal exercise of eminent domain for the sake of political

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Commoditized Equities

The almost direct correlation of the U.S. Stock market with the price of
oil is unhealthy. It has turned U.S. equities into a commodity. It is no
wonder that the real estate market has become a better choice for
investment than stocks.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Politics in the Raw

Last Friday, July 29, Senator Bill Frist offered support for legislation, already passed by the House, that earmarks federal funding for embryonic stem cell experimentation.

The Senator's support for this legislation is contrary to the President's position in support of life in any stage.

The Senator has no good reason to violate his pro-life position with this "defection," except politics in the raw. The President is not up for re-election. The Senators are.

Jefferey Ventrella discusses this issue.

Prime Time Irreverence

Bill O'Reilly of Foxnews was interviewing the Reverend Franklin Graham on his TV show last week. The Reverend Graham candidly answered questions. One of the questions that O'Reilly asked Graham was that if Jesus was coming back. Graham answered yes. "I hope that when He does, He appears on The Factor," O'Reilly remarked.

I knew that the media is arrogant. That night, I saw a prime example of media arrogance and media irreverence.

O'Reilly, Jesus isn't coming to your puny TV show, but you will appear before the judgement seat of Christ to give an account of every word you have spoken.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The False Dichotomy Between Faith and Science

Those who oppose the concept of Intelligent Design do so by describing it as being based on faith and not on science. Implied in this is the judgement that faith is inferior to science. Furthermore, there is the hidden implication that faith is equivalent to religion.

This is nothing but an evasion of the issue, a suppression of evidence.

No less than the revered Charles Krautheimer of Foxnews put down Intelligent Design in this manner. Normally astute on political issues, Krautheimer became a sorry apologist for Darwin last night.