Friday, February 04, 2005

Insatiable Thirst for Legitimacy

The primary motivation behind the homosexual movement is its need for legitimacy. While the American constitution has a foundational respect for the dignity of all human beings, it is not enough for those who practice homosexuality to be recognized as human beings. To them the American Constitution does not go far enough. It does not grant legitimacy to their sexual orientation, preference, and practice. Thus, under the cover of "equal rights", what the homosexual movement has been able to accomplish is achieve special rights. With the help of sympathetic federal judges, the homosexuals have been given special treatment because they are not just human beings like everybody else. They have become a protected class of people, and to accomodate them the nation must now abandon its religious heritage, beliefs, morality, and freedom of religious expression.

This is not merely political but deeply psychological. They cannot find any basis in natural law or natural history for this practice. Trying to stifle the inner voice that cries out against the abnormal, the homosexual uses the freedoms granted by society to remake society. He tries to abolish any and all reminders of cultural taboos. He searches for every bit of evidence from science, history, and current events, anywhere in order to convince himself and society that his situation is normal. Like a virus that feeds on its host, the homosexual movement feeds on the culture, breaking down its resistance, capturing the media, turning shame into glory, revising history, trying to replicate among elementary schools and multiply by recruitment. The homosexual quest for legitimacy is insatiable. Just as the host is soon used up by a virus, so a culture will soon be changed beyond recognition.


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