Saturday, January 22, 2005

Rev. Billy Graham Prays at the Inauguration

America's evangelist, eighty-six year-old Billy Graham, led the prayer service at the conclusion of the presidential inauguration at the National Cathedral. Rev. Graham has been credited with inspiring George Walker Bush to give up drinking at the age of 40 and to become a born-again Christian.

Following is the text of Rev. Graham's prayer:
"Shall we pray.

Our Father and our God:

We thank You that the last event of this historic week is a time of worship, a time to hear Your word, to pray, and to declare our dependence on You.

In the quietness and calmness of this great cathedral turn us away from everything that will distract us and help us to focus on our need of You.

We remember that it is written in the scriptures, “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.” Our Father, we acknowledge Your divine help in the selection of our nation’s leaders throughout our history and we believe that in Your providence, You’ve granted a second term of office to our president, George W. Bush and our vice president, Richard Cheney. Their next four years are hidden from us, but they’re not hidden from You. You know the challenges and opportunities they will face. Give them a clear mind, a warm heart, calmness in the midst of turmoil, reassurance in times of discouragement, and Your presence always.

We pray for their families and we ask for Your protection and care for them during the pressures of these next four years. Renew our vision, restore our faith, rekindle our desire to love and to serve all humanity. May we never forget that one day we each will stand before You to give an account of what You’ve entrusted to us.

Finally, our Father, we pray for our nation, and our world. We thank You for those who have sacrificed their lives to give us our freedom and we pray for those who continue to serve our nation in places of great conflict and danger. Above all, we join today with millions about us across this torn and confused world in praying for peace. Thank You for the overwhelming compassion that our leadership and our country have shown toward the suffering in Southeast Asia.

And now, may this service become a time of commitment for each one of us as we rededicate ourselves to You and Your will for our lives.

We pray this in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen."


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