Saturday, January 15, 2005

The Unholy Trinity Strikes Again

In Atlanta, CNN reports that a federal judge ruled that the Cobb County School District's textbook stickers referring to evolution as "a theory not a fact" are unconstitutional. The following is a quote from CNN:
"In ruling that the stickers violate the constitutionally mandated separation between church and state, U.S. District Judge Clarence Cooper ruled that labeling evolution a 'theory' played on the popular definition of the word as a 'hunch' and could confuse students."

"Five parents of students and the American Civil Liberties Union had challenged the stickers in court, arguing they violated the constitutional separation of church and state."
First, note that CNN reports the issue as "constitutionally mandated" thereby adding its own bias to the "news", since the separation of church and state is not even found in the U.S. Constitution.

Second, the judge demonstrates his elitism over the intelligence of the students and the teachers in not enabling them the freedom of discriminating between "theory" and "fact". He thinks the students will be "confused" and will be won over to alternative viewpoints on origins, just by telling them that evolution is just a theory. Why not allow the students to question evolution? That is a scientific decision, and the judge is out of his jurisdiction in making it for the students. Real education happens in an atmosphere of academic freedom, not judicial oversight.

Third, the ACLU is the pitcher which throws the ball into the Federal Courts by bringing this lawsuit against the school boards.

We are here to catch the ball. Evolution is under massive assault. This unholy trinity between the Media, the ACLU, and the lackey Federal judges will topple. Darwin will be defeated and thrown into the dustbin of history. We believe as in "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" that "His Truth is marching on."


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