Monday, January 03, 2005

The Message of the Medium

Dr. Ravi Zacharias in his radio message, “Mind Games in a World of Images” spoke about a culture which has substituted images and graphics for reason and logic. Thus, he observed, people in this culture are bombarded by the media with images while the written word is debased. People are not even aware of how they arrived at the conclusions and opinions they hold about other people, current events and history. Their beliefs and opinions have been “smuggled in” while watching the so-called documentaries or news images presented by the media. This media phenomenon is not unique to the U.S. but is world wide in its pervasiveness.

Dr. Zacharias also expounded on Marshall McLuhan’s “The Medium is the Message.” The medium itself is the message. It has no message but itself. If the medium is the message, and the medium has no message but itself and the images that it transmits, then the message is nothing but narcissism. This just harmonizes very well with the atheistic worship of man. Dr. Zacharias developed this theme, calling the media the modern Tower of Babel, with images as the common language, united in their purpose to do away with all religion and the supernatural, focused on creating a heaven on earth.


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