Tuesday, January 11, 2005

From Another Culture Warrior

Many thanks to Robert for his encouraging e-mail. He writes:
“All the engineers and physicists I work with absolutely believe in evolution but don't know anything at all about it. If you believe in intelligent design you're viewed as being uneducated, unintelligent, or believing in myths…Darwinism is the untouchable holy grail of science…We are definitely in a cultural war…keep up the excellent work.”

“One of the ways that I thought we could fight this fight is to show people some of the incredible creatures that no way could have come about through evolution…(like) this Javanese leaf insect. Amazing! It even mimics a rotting leaf around the edges. This insect is all the proof you need to see that someone with intelligence designed this creature. There are a lot of other examples in nature that can be used to illustrate intelligent design. Some people may eventually come around to seeing this…”

It takes a lot of intellectual honesty and humility to admit to an intelligent Designer.

One advantage of our field - science and technology - is that we are dealing with hard facts and hard figures and, as Robert mentioned, there is a superabundance of evidence in the physical and biological world for intelligent design. Soon, the scientists and engineers who are confronted with all the evidence will be forced either to admit to the evidence, or to suppress it, and in suppressing it, violate their own scientific principles of investigation. This is what is happening now as the theory of Evolution is under massive assault and its adherents bend and twist the evidence to prop up this tottering tower.

One example of this is the ever changing age of the earth. The age of the earth is continually being revised. In the 1940’s colleges taught as fact that the earth is 2 billion years old. The modern “fact” of the age of the earth is 4.6 billion years old. This is done as advances in experimentation yield more evidence that challenge the assumptions of evolution. The elite scientific community beholden to Darwinism look at the facts through the lens of their theory, and never allow any evidence to put in question the assumptions of Darwinism.


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