Sunday, January 30, 2005

The True Freedom Fighters

The success of elections in Iraq confirms the wisdom of President George W. Bush’s political philosophy, namely, that freedom is a universal aspiration of all peoples of the world. No amount of threat and intimidation from the murderous terrorists, whom the liberal press reporters such as Chris Matthews love to call “freedom fighters,” could stop the brave Iraqi people from going to the polls to exercise their right to vote. President Bush, in a brief address today, cited the courage of the men and women of Iraq. The true freedom fighters are the millions of peace-loving Iraqi citizens, allies of the United States, and not the radical terrorist thugs of Zarkawi, Bin-Laden and their ilk.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a lie to claim that Chris Matthews love to call "muderous terrorists," "freedom fighters." It just is not true. So please find a quote before making outrageous and untrue comments. It is true that many in this administration did business and helped Sadaam Hussein in the 80's (and some in the 90's). Unlike you, I will give a link to real evidence:
You can try and defend Rumsfield, Nixon, Cheney, Bush I and others in doing business with the butcher Saddam Hussein, but you can not claim they did even knowing that Iraq was using chemical weapons at the same time. P.S. Read the personal letter from Nixon to Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu (another butcher) asking to help ship arms to Iraq.

March 05, 2005 1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not a lie. I watched Chris Matthews give Zel Miller a cross-examination after Zell Miller gave an impassioned speech at the Republican Convention last year. Matthews asked Miller why Miller couldn't recognize in the resistance in Iraq the same spirit that motivated Patrick Henry during the American Revolution. If that is not calling terrorists freedom fighters, then you must be seriously blinded.

March 16, 2005 9:48 PM  

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