Sunday, February 13, 2005

Ambition, Expectations, and Devotion

I am reading Alexandre Dumas’ “The Count of Monte Cristo.” In the chapter called “Father and Son,” Bonapartist M. Noirtier responds to his Royalist son’s cynicism of the devotion of the followers of Napoleon. “Yes, devotion,” M. Noirtier remarked. “That is the honest way to describe ambition when it has expectations.”

We see a lot of devotion in today’s political parties and advocacy groups. In some groups, the devotion approaches a level of fanaticism. The men and women in these groups are very ambitious and their ambitions are fueled by very high expectations. The political process has rewarded their expectations with promises of more. Such is their devotion.

What about the materialist and his devotion to the acquisition of wealth? It is true that he is a very ambitions person. His high expectations of the economic system are based on past and future rewards that can be obtained from it.

You and I know of some people who seem to have no commitment in their job or their studies. Do they lack ambition? Perhaps not. They may be ambitious but have not seen or cannot now see any guarantee of a successful career, and thus have no expectations, and thus, no devotion.

This is no less true in spiritual matters. Christ’s promise, “I will raise him up in the last day,” has created a great expectation in human beings whose ambition is to conquer old age and death, and has inspired devotion among Christ followers.

The question is, is the object of our devotion able to deliver? Napoleon returned from Elba for only 100 days and was soon deposed after Waterloo. Political parties rule for four years, perhaps eight. Economic cycles are often unpredictable and men have lost fortunes due to a bad investment, and a college education does not guarantee success in life.

Christ however guarantees the resurrection with His own come-back from the grave. Unlike Napoleon, political parties, economies or great Universities, Christ has the power to grant your expectations and ambitions, based on His promises and terms. Get to know Him today.


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