Wednesday, August 06, 2008

More Valuable than Rocks

Darwin's evolutionary hypotheses suggests that all life spontaneously generated from a pre-biotic "soup" of basic chemicals. It rained on rocks for millions and millions of years and basic elements in the rocks leached into the water. Chance lighting strikes caused the chemicals to combine at random to form the first organic molecules from which the complex cell evolved by natural selection and random mutation.

Scientific discoveries have shown that the cell, the building block of all life, is so irreducibly complex, requiring several processes to be active all at once in order to be viable at all, not even mentioning the extremely complex arrangement of proteins in the cell's DNA. Darwin's theory of origins is woefully inadequate to account for the extreme complexity of the cell. It borders on ridiculous, considering that the chances of the complex combination of chemicals coming together by chance, no matter how much time you allow, is practically zero.

Nevertheless, the Darwinian theory holds sway over the creative energies and imagination of scientists the world over. Does the notion that human ancestry ultimately traces back to rocks bother them? Why should we be so concerned about human dignity if we are no more than a complex combination of chemicals which came from rocks by chance? Perhaps some of Darwin's adherents are concerned. ICR reports that in Germany, scientists have prepared a research that suggests that diamonds in the pre-biotic "soup" may have sparked the first living cell. Perhaps we should take comfort in the thought that humans are more valuable than rocks after all. We can trace human origins to diamonds, pure carbon! Pure bull!

"As the thief is shamed when he is discovered,
So the house of Israel is shamed;
They, their kings, their princes
And their priests and their prophets,
Who say to a tree, 'You are my father,'
And to a stone, 'You gave me birth.'

Jeremiah 2:26-27


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