Monday, July 07, 2008

Another Word for Double Speak

Politicians are said to “solidify the base” and then “move to the center” in their effort to win the nomination or the elected position. This is accomplished by giving speeches and taking positions near and dear to the “base”, which could be the conservative rightist base or the liberal leftist base. “Moving to the center” involves the candidate taking positions sometimes contrary to the former positions he or she took before when he or she was “solidifying the base”. Such Machiavellian maneuvers are taken as a necessity in today’s political climate. Being a man or woman of principle, constant in his or her views, is just a pretense. Politicians pay lip service to truth and principle, yet are thoroughly pragmatic in their thinking, and political posturing is second nature to them. This is the essence of “political correctness”, taking positions which are perceived to please the most number of people in order to win their votes, regardless of truth or principle. “Solidifying the base” and “moving to the center” are just euphemisims for lying and demagoguery.


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