Tuesday, July 19, 2005

From Judge to Justice

President Bush has nominated Judge John Roberts to the U.S. Supreme Court. The President has made a choice, and his decision deserves respect. President Bush was reelected with overwhelming majority for a second term for such a time as this.

The Democrat Senator of Guantanamo fame, Dick Durbin, has already promised and guaranteed a controversy over the President's choice. Durbin serves the special interest groups such as Planned Parenthood. Durbin did not hesitate to make the unconscionable statement slandering the U.S. operations in Guantanamo by comparing them to Hitler's holocaust and Cambodia's murderous Polpot regime. He was later proved to be wrong by other senators who visited Guantanamo and who concluded that the prisoners were being treated fairly and humanely. Durbin, and his Democrat lackeys will not fail to make just as egregious a slander on John Roberts. Can a zebra change its stripes?

I think it won't be such a fierce confirmation battle as the media is expecting. Rather, I believe Judge Roberts will shortly be Justice Roberts.


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